Sunday, 30 June 2013

All who are thirsty

Drink this water, and your thirst is quenched only for a moment.
You must return to this well again and again.  
I offer water that will become a wellspring within you
that gives life throughout eternity.
You will never be thirsty again.
John 4:13-14 (The Voice)

All Who Are Thirsty by Jeremy Riddle

 Have a Blessed Sunday!


Here's a printable of the photo and John 4:13-14 for you

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Saturday, 29 June 2013

A Peek at My Week {Random 5 Friday}

We've been enjying the delights of the summer - strawberries - together with yogurt. A spoonfull of hemp seeds on the top is good for the stomach - and the mint leaves does add a fresh flavor.

The countdown of the kids has finished ...
yesterday was the last day of school :)

To celebrate the beginning of their summer holidays we went bowling...
Now the sho sizes the boys use  are in the other end of the rag.

I could feel the bowling in my right arm after one hour ...
maybe we should have continued to bowl another hour using our left hands? :)

Our younger son learned how to prepare French Toast this morning
- Yum - they tasted good!

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Friday, 28 June 2013


In a quiet, pleasant meadow,
Beneath a summer sky,
Where green old trees their branches waved,
And winds went singing by;

Where a little brook went rippling
So musically low,
And passing clouds cast shadows
On the waving grass below;

Where low, sweet notes of brooding birds
Stole out on the fragrant air,
And golden sunlight shone undimmed
On all most fresh and fair;--

There bloomed a lovely sisterhood
Of happy little flowers,
Together in this pleasant home,
Through quiet summer hours.

No rude hand came to gather them,
No chilling winds to blight;
Warm sunbeams smiled on them by day,
And soft dews fell at night.

So here, along the brook-side,
Beneath the green old trees,
The flowers dwelt among their friends,
The sunbeams and the breeze.
Louisa May Alcott
I was greeted by these beauties
this morning
- I heart everyday miracles!

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Floral Love

Monday, 24 June 2013

In My Town - 4 Ways Photography Challenge

We live in the suburbs of Copenhagen - it takes about 20 minutes to bike to downtown. I'm fond of the 3 lakes, that are situated about a stonecast away from our home - surrounded by parks, trees and bushes. That's where I often times go for a walk - and where we went together with the boys to play hide and seek, catch me if you can and just climb up to the trees etc., when they were small.
In the summertime the weather can get pretty warm. It is in the green areas, by the lakes and by the sea, that you feel the breeze. The biking lanes are very well organized all over Denmark - you can basically bike from here to Gotland, following the lanes through the country (well - you need to take either a train / bridge or a ferry to sail from Zealand to Jutland). The water is clean and suitable for swimming in the Canals of the city, where you find swimming facilities in different parts of the city.  

In the fall the town is clothed in red and yellow ... the leaves decorate the surroundings, and the bright autumn air is fresh. I like all seasons, but autumn is lovely in a special way. Time for apples and chesnuts, fresh walks and bike trips, and cozy gatherings.
Winters can be very cold, even if we don't get snow every year. The humid cold seeps into your bones ... So you need both gloves and hats to stay warm. The light is very special in the winter months. I like to bike to the City Lakes, meet up with a friend of mine and her dog, and walk around the lakes and enjoy the pale, bright light ... and a cup of tea-to-go :)

With these 4 collages I welcome you to the
4 Ways Photography Challenge:
Our theme in June is In My Town

4 Ways Photography Challenge is a monthly creative meme
where we wish to challenge you and one another in finding
4 ways of photographing the monthly themes:
June 24th: In My Town
August 15th: Capturing Negative Space

4 Ways is hosted by 4 friends - all photo enthusiasts,
who wish to share the joy of finding new insights and skew angles
in photographing the world around us,
embracing everyday life with a camera at hand.

4 Ways Photography Challenge is open to everyone!

What are the things you appreciate in your town / your rural area -
Share your snapshots with us:



1. Link up your blog post / Flickr link

2. Visit a few fellow participants

3. Spread the word by grabbing our button or by adding a text link on your post

 Let’s be inspired by one another!

Diana, Liz, Margie & Nina

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
If you wish to share the blog hop on your blog,
you find the link to the HTML-code here:

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Fear not

Don’t panic. I’m with you.
There’s no need to fear for I’m your God.
I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you.
I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.
Isaiah 41:10 (The Message)
Fear Not My Child by Mary Beth
 Have a Blessed Sunday!


Here's a printable of the photo and Isaiah 41:10 for you

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Saturday, 22 June 2013

Tidbits and big things

Our youngest son found a recipe of this airy and delicious strawberry cake: "See mum, this would make a cool dessert, wouldn't it?" - It surely did! Next Thursday it's my turn to bring cake to the afternoon coffee break at my work, and I'm thinking about baking a few of these - now that the season for strawberries has arrived.

Since you only need to use the egg whites to the cake, I used the leftover egg yolks to a bearnaise sauce. I am very helpless when it comes to custards and sauces, but this easy bearnaise sauce recipe from my physiotherapist is a success every time.

The whiplash injury in my neck was bad last spring - a nerve gets stuck every now and then ,causing both numbness and a horrible pain - but the treatments, together with medicine and rest, helped me and "I got my life back" after 2 weeks in bed. I kept on seeing the physiotherapist 8 months in all. She showed me simple exercises that strengthens the small muscles in the neck and shoulder- region ... and we swopped a few recipes as well :)

My pink flower plant is not doing so well. Even if it gets water and tender loving care daily, it is withering ... I took a closer look the other day:

The plant was invaded by these small green bugs! No wonder the plant was withering and getting yellow spots on the leaves. I started to worry that this colony of green bugs would invade my basil and mint pots - all on the windowshill in the kitchen - so I got rid of the pink plant. I'm so sorry ... If we had a garden, I'm sure an organic treatment with something might have helped, so those green bugs would have decided to go elsewhere ...

And last - a dream of mine has come true - I have gotten a DSLR camera! It has been on my wish list for a long time, and I've been looking at the different types, brands, qualities etc. I talked with my husband about Nikon and Canon - and we finally thought that Nikon D3200 would be a good option for a newbie like me.

We talked about getting the camera first this fall, but my husband surprised me one afternoon the other week - I came home from work, and these packages were standing on the table!!! Oh boy!! He has such a big heart!!! 

There is a mini-course on how to use the camera - I'm sincerely overwhelmed by all the buttons and options there is.
I have actually been hesitating in taking pictures with this new camera - I have this treasure in my hands, but I have not got a glue of all the adjustements available?!

Well, this Monday I was asked to take a few photos of a sweet colleque of mine, who is going to retire in 2 weeks. I took our new camera with me and thought that it's now or never - I cannot be postponing the use of it until I have time to take the mini-course.

It was a fun experience:

  • The flash kept popping up, the only way to keep it down was to use the minus flash-option, so I used it, instead of using the portrait-option.
  • I am so used to take pictures with the handy & little point and shoot camera, so forgot all about using the zoom. I kept stepping back and forth until my collegue asked, why I didn't use the zoom ...

We had great fun, she was amused seeing me discovering new things and functions as we went along - I got many pictures of her smiling and laughing at the Funny Fotograph! (she even took a picture of me while I was trying to find a way to close for the flash :)

We'll use those photos on a slideshow of her, together with speeches and other things, on her last day at work. I'll make a CD-rom for her as well :)

Happy weekend to you
an overwhelmed and happy
 Funny Photograph
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Monday, 17 June 2013

Monday's Moments


These roses are from the garden of my friend ... they have brought the scent of the summer inside. I longed for a moment outside when I was driving home from work - so I walked to the store to get some bread, tomatos etc. for the lunchpacks tomorrow.

The scent of the Yasmin flowers accompanied the first part of my way - I chose the bright side of the road to feel the sun. I could hear the birds and I met a few smiling people on my way...

... I bought a popsicle and enjoyed it on my way back - feeling the warm summer breeze on my toes, hearing the sound of clip-claps echoing...

The stressed day and journals to be written at work were far away
- Just sensing the present moment, blue sky and the taste of the popsicle ...

Act as if
what you do
makes a difference.
It does.
William James

A walk outside is something I need - every day!

Texture Coffee Break from the lovely collection of Nancy Clayes

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Nancy's Tuesday Muse
Sweet Shot Tuesday
Inspired Tueday

Sunday, 16 June 2013

All heavens declare

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the world,
their words to the ends of the world.

Psalm 19:1-4
All Heavens Declare

 Have a Blessed Sunday!


Here's a printable of the photo and Psalm 19:1 for you

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Friday, 14 June 2013

iPhone-snapshots from the Week

On Tuesday I met up with my friend in down town during a lunch break. It was both a happy and a sad meeting: It was so good to see her and catch up, but -  After 3 years in Denmark she and her family are moving back to their homeland this fall! I will miss her sweet and tender spirit ... but ... we'll surely keep in touch both by mail and when possible, meeting both here and there.

As I was biking back home that day, the skies turned all of a sudden dark and it started to rain ... These soft, small raindrops were falling down - like small tears ... Saying farewell is not easy - Yet, we're to be thankful for the shared moments,cherishing them and our friendship.

Next morning I just couldn't find my keys! I checked every purse and bag I could get hold of, and also all the pockets and other places, I usually keep my keys. But without success - My keys we're nowhere to be found.
Well, I had to go to work without my keys to our house. I was wondering if the keys had fallen out of my purse, while I was biking the day before.

When I came home, my husband smiled to me and says, that he has found my keys on our back door! I could then remember, that I had let the keys stay at the door as I was picking up the groceries ... and I must have left them on the door as I went inside ... Well - now my keys are found!

"Mirror" was a theme of I Heart Face's daily photo challenge. It was already late, so I grabbed my phone and took a snap shot of the bathroom. Thereafter I used different iphoto applications to edit it:
1. Original image
2. Using Snapseed to adjust the contrast and PhotoToaster's Fade Out-effect (remowing frames)
3. Photo Toaster Polaroid-effect (removing frames)
4. Picfx Black and White-set Black 1, Urban-set Contrast, Cross Process- set Cross One
5. Photo Toaster - Deluxe: Lite Portrait (removing frames), Mextures: Yololomo Orientation 3 opacity 30, Dusted, orientation 3, opacity 30.

The roses from last week are decorating the kitchen of my friend now- it seems like the roses would be growing from the plate, that has a few painted flowers on the edge. I have edited this snap shot with the Glaze-Photo application.
A week with happy moments, sad moments,
a bit confusion, restlessness,
stillness ...
laughter and tears,
- gratefullness.
: : :
A warm welcome to my new blog friends
Milena, Anastasia, Tracy, 2Momma2, Uniquely Undone,
Amy, Britney, Melani, Zina, Mama Roach and Amanda!
May there be rays of sun shine & moments of joy
in your weekend,
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Nancy's Rural Journal

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

World Wide Knit in Public Day in Vanløse, Copenhagen

The highlight of my Saturday was a creative World Wide Knit in Public- arrangement  in Vanløse Culture Center in Copenhagen. We were a bunch of ladies who came together to knit in the afternoon (where are all the men who knit - I know there are some talents out there?!).

Christina, a lovely lady, is running a project "Warmth to Homeless". Warmth to Homeless is about helping our fellowmen and -women, who due to different circumstances are homeless, trafficed or in the prostitution at the moment. Christina has gathered a group of knitting enthusiasts, who meet together to knit  socks, hats, mittens, neck warmers, wrist warmers to our fellowmen and -women in need. 

Christine has made a Facebook Group Varm en Hjemløs (Warmth to Homeless). An easy way to support her cause is to "like" her Facebook Group and thereby help spreading the message.

Many of us are knitting a lot at home as well. When meeting together, Christine is colleting all the knitted items together, whereafter she will be handing them over e.g. to Reden International, a non governmental organization working with trafficed women in Copenhagen.

Our World Wide Knit in Public - Warmth to Homeless - afternoon in Vanløse was not only  about knitting in good fellowship, but also enjoying live music by Julie Michelsen, whose beautiful voice and guitar made our afternoon festive!

Julie's music and songs are poetic in a smooth, playful and serene way. Her thoughtful lyrics makes you wander across time and space - ruminating about life, living and love in a serene way.

It is cozy to knit and chat together, enjoy a cuppa and listen to Julie's soft voice and her quitar play!

Linda's knitwork above is going to be a pair of wrist warmers - soft wool with decorative flowers and leaves.

I admire her talent - amongst other gorgeous things, she has knitted a sweet pair of flower earrings.

January by Julie Michelsen

Julie Michelsen's January is a peaceful and dreamy melody. I'm fond of her music video, where you can see and hear a bit from her cute toddler. You'll also get a glimpse of the grey and wet January weather in Denmark ... That's maybe one reason why the Danish hygge (coziness) - a get together with candles, something good to eat and drink, is an important part of the survival kit during the wet and windy  wintertime.

I am knitting a green mufler - already halfway through :-)

Thank you Christine for arranging
the World Wide Knitting Day in Vanløse,
 together with Linda and Julia Micheelsen -
You ladies are getting people engaged into an important work,
that is making a difference!
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Tuesday Muse - A Rural Journal :::   Inspired Tuesday - Not So Ugly Ducklings  :::   Rurality - The View from Right Here   :::   Wordless Wednesday - Create with Joy  :::   Wordless Wednesday - Project Alicia  :::   Tina's WW ::: WW - Jenni from the Blog ::: Wordless Wednesday - Veranas Schöne Welt :::  Wordless Wednesday - Better in Bulk  ::: Wordless Wednesday - David Wordless Wednesday - Live and Love Out Loud   ::: Communal Global

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Living in Harmony

Fill up and complete my joy by living in harmony
and being of the same mind and one in purpose,
having the same love,
being in full accord and
of one harmonious mind and intention.
Philippians 2:2 (Amplified Bible)

Sara Groves: Rain

Call it what you will I call it rain
When troubles come and pat against my soul
Go in if you like, I will remain
And let the washing waters make me Whole
Just when I’m sure that I can't bear the rain
A tiny leaf starts pushing through the ground
In a place where the ground was too dry to sustain it
A new tiny flower can be found
Once I was stuck I thought things would never change
As I watched a cloud pass through the sky
Right before my eyes it took a different shape
And I knew, so were the clouds in my own life
I see Him in the rain
I feel Him wash away
What I do not understand
So new life can spring up once Again
: : :
 Have a Blessed Sunday!


Here's a printable of today's verse for you

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Thursday, 6 June 2013

The Beauty of a Rose


 The appearance of things change
according to the emotions,
and thus
we see magic and beauty in them,
while the magic and beauty are really in ourselves.
Kahlil Gibran
: : :
The beauty of a rose never leaves it ...
it just changes and developes in away
- from rosebud to a blooming queen,
altering to a more sophisticated form of a rose,
where the colors get both pale and intensive when withering,
and where the fragility brings a new form for
sensitivity and tenderness.
I keep delighting over a bouquet of roses 
for a long time -
These roses are about to wither,
the colors are getting more intense in the edges of the petals,
bringing about a greater contrast ...

It was June, and the world smelled of roses.
The sunshine was like powdered gold
over the grassy hillside.
Maud Hart Lovelace
: : :
Happy Friday to You
- Let's open our eyes for the magic around us today!

PS. Here's a printable for you
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Friday Photo JournalFloral Love
Finding JoyTHE PINK MOMMAWeekly Top Shot #86
