Thursday, 29 May 2014

Classic Vintage Photo editor {App Happy Wednesday}

Barb Brookbank hosts an inspiring App Happy Wednesday on her blog Keeping With the Times, where you can share your favorite phone photography images and tell a bit about how you have edited them. 

I found recently the  Classic Vintage - Photo editor app, which enables you to add a touch of vintage to your photos. You can choose and adjust the paper, the type and amount of the crackle-effect, the border and the sepia effect, from 100% - 0 % opacity.

I used an extern macro-lens Olloclip when I took a photo with my iPhone of the flower, I received from my sweet friend. Using Image Blender App, I added a layer of the same flower, just smaller, in the lower left corner. Then I took the picture to the Classic Vintage - photo editor app. 

I chose a paper from the Montana Collection, adjusting the sepia effect down to 25%. Therafter I added a crackle effect from the free collection, with 50% opacity. I liked the old paper effect, so I didn't choose any borders.

The possibility to adjust the amount of the effects is great, the different types of papers, crackles and borders gives you numerous variations in creating photos with vintage effects.

For more inspiration, come and drop by at Barb's App Happy Wednesday!


Keeping With The Times

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Seeds of Joy and Light

Light-seeds are planted in the souls of God’s people, 
Joy-seeds are planted in good heart-soil. 
Psaml 97:11 The Message

Oslo Gospel Choir - Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord

:   :  :

Blessings to your week, 


Here's printable
of Psalm 97:11 for you

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Sunday StillnessThe Sunday Community

Photo: iPhone 5, VSCOcam, Mextures, Snapseed, Tadaa
Texture: Simple by Kim Klassen

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Seize the Day

True Grit preset & Rainy Day texture by Kim Klassen

Setting the table, preparing the dinner.
Being in this moment ...
Not remaining in what has been, 
not thinking about what what is to be ...
Just this unfolding moment.

:   :   :

Thank you Kim for the Be Still 52-inspiration - such a wonderful class! 

:   :   :

Eating, and hospitality in general, is a communion, and any meal 
worth attending by yourself is improved by 
the multiples of those with whom it is shared.
Jesse Browner 

True Grit preset & Rainy Day texture by Kim Klassen

The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. 

When mindfulness embraces those we love,they will bloom like flowers.

Thich Nhat Hanh

With weekend greetings,

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 Saturday Share Fest 

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Present {Texture Tuesday}

My mom got this silk scarf for her birthday last year. The scarf reflects light in a very nice way ... Adding just a slight glow to my mom's beautiful face. I see my mom smiling, as she opened this present from her sister... She was feeling the texture, admiring the colors, and trying it on...

This weeks theme in Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday  is Black and White. I desaturated the photo above, and added Music and Script 19 - stamp by Kim 4 times. I then layered two of Kim's textures (Present blendmode screen 72% and Framed blend mode luminosity 100%), and brushed some of the textures away from the middle, to achieve an old vintage photo- feeling.

You must live in the preset,
launch yourself on every wave,
find your eternity in each moment.

Henry David Thoreau

This photo is taken with my iPhone this afternoon. I have added different layers on it in Mextures, Alayer, Stackables, VintageScene and Afterlight-apps. Therafter I desaturated the photo and added Kim's textures Precious Pink luminosity 18% and Sonnetsoft luminosity 35 %.

And now, here I am ... Enjoying the present moment and the memories the picture of my mom's scarf has awakened ... Missing her and my dad, yet cherishing at the same time, knowing that they're doing fine - And that they actually are just a phone call away.


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Sunday, 18 May 2014

Place of quiet retreat

You're my place of quiet retreat;
I wait for your Word to renew me.

Psalm 119:14

None But Jesus - Hillsong Acoustic

:   :  :

Blessings to your week, 


Here's a printable
of Psalm 119:14 for you

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Saturday, 17 May 2014

Be Still - 52

Photo iPhone 5, textures Simple 2 and 2811 Magic by Kim Klassen

"I'm waiting for the train ... feeling the sweet rays of sun on me face ... closing my eyes and just breathing ... "

- A few lines from my moment of stillness, being still a few minutes on my way home from work.

Kim Klassen's Be Still 52- an inspirational course on being mindfull in your everyday life, and giving inspiration to photography at the same time - has started this week. 

I have peeked into the classroom and have set many familiar faces ... I look forward of following and sharing with old and new friends that are on this journey of stillness the coming 52 weeks.

Photo iPhone 5: Camera+, Snapseed, Mextures-apps, Be Still-brush by Kim Klassen

"Whenever there is stillness there is the still small voice, 
God's speaking from the whirlwind, 
nature's old son, and dance ..."

Annie Dillard

... Let's  be attentive to the sounds of silence, 

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 Saturday Share Fest 

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Karen from Beautrice Euphemie has written a wonderful post with thoughts and quotes on Motherhood.
The quote above is one of the pearls from Karen's post A Mother's Love ... Visit her beautiful blog to read more!

Happy Mother's Day,

Light of the world

Jesus summed it all up when he cried out,
“Whoever believes in me, believes not just in me
but in the One who sent me.
Whoever looks at me is looking, in fact,
at the One who sent me.
I am Light that has come into the world so that
all who believe in me won’t have to stay any longer in the dark.
John 12:46 The Message

Light of the world (instrumental music)

:   :  :

Blessings to your week, 


Here's a printable
of John 12:46 for you

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Photo: iPhone 5S, Camera+, Texture by 2 Lil Owl's Studio

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Tea and solitude

Photo with iPhone 5, edited in Snapseed, Mextures, VintagePhoto & Stackables

Yes - tea and solitude ... a slow saturday morning with a cup of tea cannot be underrated. Neither the moments with tea in the evenings, where your thoughts silently fall in peace.

Some of the highlights of this week:
 .. an enriching conversation with a collegue
 .. our sweet neighbour stayed for dinner the other evening
 .. the small talks in the car while driving with the family 
 .. the scent of the flowers after the rain

Things to be accepted:
 .. the pretty plant I reveived a month ago has now been invaded by aphids!!!
 .. "so many things - so little time" ... I'm behind with some of the things ... yet, catching up slowly

Photo: iPhone 5, textures by 2 Lil Owls Studio and Photo Texture Collections by Love That Shot

An encouraging quote to your weekend:
“Use what talents you possess;
the woods would be very silent
if no birds sang there except those that sang best."
Henry Van Dyke


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Weekly Top Shot

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Light to live in

Jesus once again addressed them:
“I am the world’s Light.
No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness.
I provide plenty of light to live in.”
John 8:12 The Message
Sara Groves: Hello Lord

:   :  :

Blessings to your week, 


Here's a printable
of John 8:12 for you

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Photo: iPhone 5S, Hipstamatic-App: Sergio lens & Maximus LXIX film.
A photo veil Dark from the Illumination Collection  by Love That Shot.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

My week in flowers {iPhoneography}

Camera+, Snapseed, Mextures, TadaaSLR

Colorful spring flowers are everywhere ... The field beside my workplace is filled with  canolas
- and the road alongside is decorated with dandelions.

Camera+, Mextures, VSCOcam

I have had long days at work - yet I have taken a walk, even a short one every day -
the moments outside are precious and valuable ... both to "empty one's mind", to get fresh air, and to admire the blossoming surroundings.

Camera+, Snapseed, VSCOcam

The pollen season has arrived ...
This year there seems to be a heavy amount of birch pollen in the air.
I take medicin for the allergy, and also a nap after the work these days (Zzzzzz)!

Camera+, Snapseed, TadaaSLR, Mextures, VSCOcam, RhonnaDesigns

I'm attending this weekend a Mindfulness in Theory and Practice -Seminary arranged by Århus University.
Today we had great teaching and many exercises, e.g. a mindful walk and a relaxing body scanning.

I had a headache in the morning, but it disappeared during the relaxing exercises before the noon ...
My neck and shoulders have been a bit tensed lately, so timing for this seminary is just perfect.

Above a video from my 4th Photo A Day - month (I had a precious week with my mom visiting her sister / my auntie in Paris this Easter - I'll post more pictures in the near future :)

I have noticed that this 365-project has given me an oasis of unhurried daily walks in the nature, that I do appreaciate.

... Sunshine to your weekend,


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