Sunday, 28 August 2016

For Your Sunday - and Everyday

:   :   :

... Blessings and peace to you,


Here's a printable 
of 2. Corinthians 13:11 (The Voice)
for you

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Photo: Nikon D3200 - Textures: Photo Texture Collections by Love that Shot

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Sunday, 21 August 2016

A light for my path

:   :   :

... Blessings to your Sunday,


Here's a printable 
for you

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Scripture & Snapshot 

Photo: Iphone 5S, Snapseed, Camera+ , Word Swag and Faded apps

Saturday, 20 August 2016

A Sense of Balance

Happiness is
a place between
too little or too much.

Saturday morning and coffee ... 

Watching the roses above brings about a peaceful and balanced feeling in me. 
Creating balance between duties and hobbies, social time and alone time, getting things done and keeping breaks, reflecting and "turning your mind of", is a work of art. 

Having a 100% balance in everything would be boring. Yet, most people tend to thrive when they find themselves and the different areas of life in balance - the Golden Mean.

I was wondering last weekend about how it will be to start working againg after summer holidays. And, as it shows, I was troubling my mind unnecessarily - The week has been fine and smooth. I was worried about busy mornings and hastily prepared dinners, not getting the neck-back-exercises done etc. ... But the meal planning seems to be working well (we have a saying in Finland: Well Planned is half done).

That being said, I have had to admit to myself that my dream of volunteering this autumn, in addition to work, has to be postponed. I have a fresh memory of a period, when my plate was too full, which was not healthy for myself nor the people around me.

Are you struggling in finding ways to bringe a sence of balance in your life, you might like Leo Babauta's article When Your Plate is Full.

As I mentioned before, I do not believe in keeping a 100% balance - if that even were possible. But I believe that most of us do wish to be there, where our ressources and time somewhat meets your actual needs and challenges. There will be more or less challenging periods, but having arrived to the other side, makes one appreciate and nurture a more balanced life, when possible.

...Until next time,


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Sunday, 14 August 2016

Life reflects the heart

:   :   :

... Blessings and serene moments to your Sunday,


Here's a printable 
for you

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Scripture & Snapshot 

Photo: Iphone 5S, Snapseed, Camera+ , Word Swag, VSCO and Faded apps

Friday, 12 August 2016

August sunlight

The sharp August sunlight has been brightening up the neigbourhood here now and then, during this week.

We were in downtown the other day, and I took these snapshots of the old buildings by Israel's Plads.
In the end of the street to the right from the upper image, you'll find the Torvhallerne - two buildings filled with all sorts of delicate and culinaristic specialities, with some cafe's and restaurants as well.

A slight sommercold bug kept me inside two days, but yesterday afternoon I was able to enjoy the sunlight. 
During my last visit in the library, I grabbed a random cook book due to the appealing book cover. I was positively surprised when I opened it: Besides the delicious and easy-to-prepare ~ recipes, the author describes small anecdotes of her life. Her love for good and tasty food shines through the lines. The book is written by Sophie Dahl and is called "Miss Dahl's vuloptuous delights".

Summer is ebbing into autumn, the last weekend of summer holidays is at hand ...

All in all, it was a never to be forgotten summer — 
one of those summers which come seldom into any life, 
but leave a rich heritage of beautiful memories in their going —
 one of those summers which, in a fortunate combination of delightful weather, 
delightful friends and delightful doing, 
come as near to perfection as anything can come in this world.

L.M. Montgomery

... Until next time,


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Saturday's share Fest by The Sits Girls

Monday, 8 August 2016

Café on a Bluish Monday

The schools have started today.  That marks, for me - symbolic - the end of the summer holidays. Yet, this year, I am lucky that my summer vacation continues still for this week ....But the feeling of the ending summer, is hovering over me like a dark cloud.

Well, as it happens, my friend is also on vacation this week, so we decided to go for a walk around the nearby lake. Walking is good, as well as talking with a friend ... so towards the end of our walk, the blue feeling of saying goodbye to the summer, was not feeling that heavy. 

Our local, cozy café has opened again (after the summer holidays :)  so on our way home, we dropped in for a cup of coffee. And from there on, my day has been unfolding somewhat naturally ... The daily routines of everyday life do make a frame, even to a blue Monday, that is safe, predictable, and uplifting.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, 
a smile, 
a kind word, a listening ear, 
an honest compliment, 
or the smallest act of caring, 

all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

Dr. Leo Buscaglia

... May there be silver linings for your blue and rainy days as well,


Sunday, 7 August 2016

Quiet place

Here with You by Hillsong Worship

:   :   :

... Blessings and peaceful moments to your Sunday,


Here's a printable 
for you

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Photo: iPhone 5S, Camera+, Snapseed, WordSwag and Prisma Apps
Texture Tableaus Old Style by French Kiss Textures

Friday, 5 August 2016

By the lake

I grew up in the Finnish lake districk, where the lakes occupy about 25 percent of the Lakeland. When visiting my parents over the summer holidays, we spent a lot of time outside by the lakes.

Finland is known as a country of thousand lakes - there is about 188.000 lakes in Finland, and about 179.000 islands. 
So there is plenty of possibilities for rowing, fishing, swimming and other activities by the lakes.

Both my uncle's and dad's summerhouses are located on an island. Spending time on the island, even if the island is just 500 m  away from the main land, gives you a feeling of being cut of from the rest of the world - in a good way. 
When you're stepping into the boat, your mind is already relaxing ...

We cherished the moments by the lakes - Peaceful, simple life in the Great Outdoors.

... Wishing you a great weekend,


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Photo Friday by Pierced Wonderings
Saturday's share Fest by The Sits Girls

Photos: iPhone 5S; Camera+, Snapseed & Hipstamatic Apps

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Say it with flowers [Wordless Wednesday]

... Have a beautiful Wordless Wednesday,


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Wordless Wednesday by NC Sue
Wordless Wednesday by Create with Joy 

Photo: iPhone 5S, Camera+, Snapseed, VSCO & Faded Apps
[We visited Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød, where I fell for these flowers and photographed them.]

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Grilled nectarines with goat cheese

We had a lovely two weeks in Finland ... Spending time with family and relatives (a lot of it in the kitchen :)  
Time is a strange thing - In one sense, the time stood still in a good way: No hurries, just spending time together ... 
And at the same time, it felt like the two weeks were all of a sudden gone, and it was time to pack our suitcases again!

My mom gave me Hanna Hurtta's cook book Sesonki Reseptit (Seasonal Recipes). The book is filled with tasty recipies for using seasonal ingredients. The recipes are both easy and fast to prepare. Now I am go through this book (and a few other cook books), trying different recipes.

You wil need:

4 nectarines
200 gr / 700 oz goat cheese
Balsamic syrup (I used thick Balsamic Crema-vinegar)

After rinsing the nectarines, I pitted and halved them. Thereafter I grilled them in the oven 2 x 7 minutes at 200 C (390 F) - turning the nectarines after the first 7 minutes - so both sides are grilled.
I then sliced the goat cheese, and topped each half with a slice - and grilled them for another 5 minutes. After they had cooled down a bit, I poured just a bit of the Balsamic Crema-vinegar on the top.

The nectarines tasted d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s, making a great snack in the late afternoon. They would serve well as a starter or a dessert as well.

What is your favourite recipe for nectarines?


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Recipe & DIY Linky by SITS Girls