Monday, 25 September 2017

At Home in Your Love

 Jesus I Need You by Hillsong Worship

:   :  :

Here's a printable 
of John 15:9 (MSG)
for you

... Wishing you a peaceful and unhurried moments to your upcoming week,


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Scripture & Snapshot 
Sunday Scripture Blessings

Photo: iPhone 5S - Word Swag, Snapseed, VSCO & Faded Apps 

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Hope unswervingly

Heart Like Heaven by Hillsong Worship

:   :  :

Here's a printable 
for you

... Wishing you a peaceful and unhurried moments to your upcoming week,


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Scripture & Snapshot 
Sunday Scripture Blessings

PS. If you missed the service today (like me, I'm down with the flu), 
here's a link to Sunday morning service from
Hillsong Chruch, Sydney, Australia

Photo: iPhone 5S - Word Swag, Snapseed, VSCO & Faded Apps 

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Good for me ...

Forever Reign by Hillsong Worship

:   :  :

Here's a printable 
of Psalm 73:28 (AMP)
for you

... Wishing you a peaceful and unhurried moments to your upcoming week,


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Scripture & Snapshot 
Sunday Scripture Blessings

Photo: iPhone 5S - Word Swag, Snapseed & Faded Apps 

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Lead Me to the Rock

Here With You by Hillsong Worship

:   :  :

Here's a printable 
of Psalm 61:2 (KJV)
for you

... Sending thoughts and prayers to everyone 
in the path of Hurricane Harvey,


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Scripture & Snapshot 
Sunday Scripture Blessings

Photo: iPhone 5S - Word Swag, Snapseed & VSCO Apps 

Monday, 7 August 2017

Every Cloud's a Flag

:   :  :

Here's a printable 
of Psalm 108:4 (MSG)
for you

... Wishing you an unhurried week,


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Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Nature [Forest] Café

A friend of mine arranged a surprise getaway to this pretty little cafe by the forest - called Nina's Natur Café. This cafe is located - well, in the middle of the fields beside a forest ... a really peaceful and remote place. We followed a traditional map, and took some wrong turns in the small roads - If you do not get lost, it should take about 30 minutes to drive to the café from Copenhagen). 

However - maybe because of the beautiful and faraway location, and due to the most delicious cake buffet the owner Nina serves - the cafe has become well-known and popular.

When Dalai Lama was visiting Denmark, Nina's Natur Café was one of the few places he wanted to experience (a fine photo of the owner Nina and Dalai Lama was framed on the wall of the cafe).

The cafe was before a old farm, with a traditional thatch roof. You can sit down and enjoy your coffee and cake either inside the house, or in the charming orangerie, or out in the garden in the back of the house. From the garden you can follow the paths leading to the forest, and take a walk in the forest.

After a lovely afternoon and a walk in the forest, it so happened that we took a wrong turn on our way back home ... and found this little spot, where a local farmer sold fresh berries and vegetables. There was a tiny box, where you could leave the payment - or you could pay using mobile pay. I bought some strawberries and rhubarb - and left the money to the box.

It is wonderful to notice, that this type of paying - like in the old days - still exists today. Leaving the coins and bills to an unlocked box demands trust to fellowmen - and it warms one's heart to experience things like this!

I'm thankful for friendships and the small surprises, taking a wrong turn (getting lost) often times brings into our lives,

Nina xoxo

I'm joining Michelle's Thankful Thursday

Sunday, 23 July 2017

For Your Sunday

 Everyday Miracles by Sara Groves

:   :  :

Here's a printable 
of Proverbs 15:30 (MSG)
for you

... Wishing you an unhurried week,


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Wednesday, 19 July 2017

A bikeride in Copenhagen

Bicycles outnumber cars in Copenhagen - it is faster to get around in downtown with a bicycle than with a var. You can park your bike easily, and moreover - biking is a lovely way to get around (when it's not a day with pouring rain!)

I like to find new ways to bike around - and thanks to another spontaneous turn, I found
this pretty light blue house - and took a snapshot of the house, and the charming old street light, wired upon street crossings. 

There are many green parks in Copenhagen. In the summertime, people come for picnics, or eat their pack lunches in the parks. 

I'm grateful for the work that is being done here to promote bicycling - bike lines, bike pathways and parking for the bikes ... It is environmental friendly - no pollution, and also good for the health of the bikers, that get daily motion. 

The reason I needed to bike to downtown was to get a leaf binder. I have been journalising with a Collect App the past 3 year - but I miss the feeling of holding a pen, handwriting, and gluing the daily photo to a journal. So - I found both a leaf binder in A5 size, and a sketch book,  watercolor paper - pretty decoupage paper and some washi paper... In sale!

Do you write journals, take snapshots of the occasions, or keep notebooks? 
There are so many ways of scribbling or typing a few lines, 
in order to cherish the moments,

... I'm joining to Michelle's Thankful Thursday,

until next time,


Sunday, 16 July 2017

Along A River Bank

 Open heaven (River Wild) by Hillsong Worship

:   :  :

Here's a printable 
of Jeremiah 17:7 (NLT)
for you

... Blessings and peaceful moments to your upcoming week,


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Scripture & Snapshot 
Sunday Scripture Blessings

Photo: iPhone 5S - Snapseed, Faded, Word Swag apps

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Banana Omelette with Chocolate & Almonds

I borrowed a buch of cook books from the library last week - now when the time and the fresh vegetables, fruits and berries are available, is a great time to try some new recipes. 

This recipe is from Suzy Wangles book "Two easy weeks with Sense" (my translation). Suzy has written 5 cook books about Sense Lifestyle Diet, that in a nutshell is about eating 3 well balanced and nutritious meals every day - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

This Banana-Omelette tastes scrumptious, and I keeps you well wed until late afternoon.


A half banana
2 eggs
2 egg whites
0,2 cups rolled oats
butter for frying
0,5 oz chopped almonds
0,4 oz chopped dark chocolate 
2 tablespoons of skyr or thick Greek yogurt flavored with vanilla

  • Mash the banana with a fork, and add the eggs, egg whites and oat meal, stir well.
  • Fry the omelet in butter on a frying pan.
  • When the omelette is almost done, fold it in the middle.
  • After the omelette has slightly cooled down, serve it topped with 2 tablespoons skyr, or thick Greek yogurt, (seasoned with vanilla), sprinkle on top with chopped almonds and chopped dark chocolade.

Well, this Banana omelette topped with almonds and chocolate is definitely a new favorite to a weekend / holiday breakfast!

...Have a great and delicious weekend,


Monday, 10 July 2017

Holidays and Cake Championships

... Summer holidays has finally started! My spring has been the most busy one in years ... When I arrived home from work, I had to plug completely off - No computers nor writing, but small walks, quiet moments crocheting and just relaxing.

On the first Saturday of holidays,  a friend of ours hosted a Cake Bake Championship! You could just come and be part of the fun, tasting the cakes and voting for a winner - or you could  participate with baking a cake to the occasion.

I participated with baking a Pavlova - this cake is one of my favorite summer cakes. A Pavlova is easy to make, and it has a light and cloudy consistence. The mild taste of Pavlova highlights the flavor of fresh berries. I filled the Pavlova this time with raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and cherries. 

We had such a cozy afternoon - tasting each others cakes and chatting with old and new acquaintances. 

I voted for Mette's Allotment cake - The almondy crusting and the taste of black currants, rhubarb and strawberries was scrumptious! 

As the votes were being count, the winner was announced: It was the Key Lime Pie - which taste was characterized with delicate symphony of sweet caramel, sour lime and soft cream ... Delicious and a nice consistence with crums,  to types of cream and kiwi fruits. Mette's Allotment cake got the 2nd place, and - my Pavlova the third place!

Our sweet and creative creative friend, who hosted the bake Cake Championships (such a great idea, isn't it!), had prepared prizes for the winners! She handed an apron to the winner - which she had sown her self, with a fine plicated "Cake Bake Championship" logo! A price for the second best cake was cake molds, that were made of paper - like for muffins. And I received baking powder - Yes, so I can start experimenting with new recipes to championships next summer :-)

It has been good to slow down - No busy schedules, just being with the family, getting books from the library, have time to take photowalks, see friends, and bike rides (my husband has gotten a bike ... so we're exploring some green biking routes this summer!)

Last Thursday there was a Music festival at Vig - an hour drive to south from here. A day outdoors at sunshine with a friend of mine - sitting on the grass and listening music, grasping a coffee every now and then - and joining to another concert. We saw three concerts from the start- Beth Hart from the US, Kim Larsen - a grand old man in Danish pop music, and Carpark North - a Danish group playing electronic music. Besides, we listened to a whole bunch of other groups, while sitting and chatting :)

... I hope you're enjoying the summer. 
The unsteady weather here in Scandinavia keeps the excitement up in not knowing, weather to wear sandals  or wellies?! 


Sunday, 9 July 2017

Hope, Joy & Peace

Here With You by Hillsong Worship

:   :  :

Here's a printable 
of Romans 15:13 (NLT)
for you

... Blessings and peaceful moments to your upcoming week,


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Scripture & Snapshot 
Sunday Scripture Blessings

Photo: iPhone 5S - Snapseed, Faded, Word Swag apps

Sunday, 11 June 2017

In Everything You Do ...

Wonder by Hillsong Worship

:   :  :

Here's a printable 
of 3. John 1:2 (The Message)
for you

... Blessings and peaceful moments to your upcoming week,


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Scripture & Snapshot 
Sunday Scripture Blessings

Photo: iPhone 5S - Snapseed, Faded, Word Swag apps

Monday, 1 May 2017


Love On The Line by Hillsong Worship

:   :  :

Here's a printable 
of Isaiah 41:10 (The Message)
for you

... Blessings and peaceful moments to your upcoming week,


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Scripture & Snapshot 
Sunday Scripture Blessings

Photo: iPhone 5S - Snapseed, VSCO, Word Swag apps

Monday, 24 April 2017

Just breathe

Just Breathe by Jonny Diaz 

:   :  :

Here's a printable 
for you

... Blessings and peaceful moments to your upcoming week,


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Scripture & Snapshot 
Sunday Scripture Blessings

Photo: iPhone 5S - Snapseed, VSCO, Word Swag apps
Textures: Kim Klassen

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Joyful Easter

Forever by Kari Jobe

:   :  :

Here's a printable 
of Mark 16:6 
for you

Wishing you a Joyful and Happy Easter,


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Scripture & Snapshot 
Sunday Scripture Blessings

Photo: iPhone 5S - Snapseed, VSCO, Word Swag apps
