Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Lensbaby ML-10 Snapshots - Danish Parliament

Danish Parliament Backyard

Brooks Bike Seat - A nice one in leather

By the Horse Stables, The Danish Parliament

A Window by Dantes Place

Streetlight Reflection in a Puddle 

The Travellings Lens Project has arrived to Denmark ... I received the Lensbaby Sweet Spot Lens LM-10 for Mobile last Friday from Steffi from Germany.

I am slowly learning to find the sweet spot - my first images were rather blurry, but after a bit training the images are getting sharper and clearer. The Lensbaby Application for iPhone is surely a great help.

I will take the lens with me as I am biking in the city this week, so new Lensbaby images from Copenhagen are on their way soon...

... Sunshine to your week,



  1. You have certainly been having fun with your new Lensbaby. I love the shot of the streetlight reflection in the puddle…I will be looking forward to seeing your photos from your trip this weekend…Have fun.

  2. Dearest Nina, these pictures are gorgeous! Love and hugs to you :)

  3. Hiya Nina! I would say you are getting the hand of it PDQ! (Pretty Darn Quick!)

    Please pray for my husband, Ray. BIG misunderstanding at his job. Pray the truth comes to light, and he can go back to work tomorrow. Thank you.

  4. How interesting.
    And I love the thoght of you cycling through the city and taking pictures en passant.
    I am not familiar with a lens baby and can't imagine a lens on a mobile, but the results are intriguing.

  5. These are beautiful images - like a dream! I love the puddle reflection. Enjoy your week, Nina xo Karen

  6. Wonderful work, Nina! I look forward to more images with this new lens!

  7. These pictures are gorgeous, Nina! :))


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