Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Keep Walking

Above all, do not lose your desire to walk. 
Everyday, I walk myself
into a state of well-being & walk away from every illness.
 I have walked myself into my best thoughts,
and I know of no thought so burdensome
 that one cannot walk away from it.
  But by sitting still, & the more one sits still,
the closer one comes to feeling ill. 
Thus if one just keeps on walking,
everything will be all right
Søren Kierkegaard
I have used textures Sage Brush by Nancy Clayes and Paperlove by Kim Klassen
Happy Tuesday!
Sharing with 

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Light and Love

...if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, 
we have fellowship with one another, 
and the blood of Jesus, his Son, 
purifies us from all sin.
1. John 1:7

This is how much God loved the world: 
He gave his Son, his one and only Son.
 And this is why: 
so that no one need be destroyed; 
by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life.
Gospel of John 3:16 (MSG)

Same Love by Paul Baloche

Have a Blessed Sunday,

ps. Here's a printable of today's verse to you

Linking to:

Friday, 26 April 2013

Lilac / Flowers {Nurture Photography}

Lilac Flowers Clustered Thyme

There are times that will come
Be with wisdom and glow
Songs of love they will strum
Through the darkness and grow

Friendship seeds and pleasures
The true values to any doubt
Any given sunshine treasure
That in spring will come about

Give each love song a meaning
For the times that are ahead
Every good thought is leaning
To past ways that have bled

Set your feelings to a heart beat
That will give you its firm trust
Know the good know the sweet
Before it is all gone and lost

 Some reasons are wisdom flume
With inner structure and sublime
The roads to root's fragile bloom
Small lilac flowers clustered Thyme

Take your bouquets here through
All this melancholy of silent still
The aggregate's always up to you
Every feeling you hold to fulfill
Peter S. Quinn    

Have an enjoyable weeekend -
 ... spotting some spring flowers,

Earlier in Nurture Photography Spring
Linking to
Click here to see more Lilac / Spring
Floral Love

PS. Pop in and to join our 4 Photos - 4 Ways Photography Challenge


Thursday, 25 April 2013

4 Self-Portraits - 4 Ways {Photography Challenge}

On our way to a get together, my husband needed to stop by a gas station to get something. As I was sitting in the car and putting on lip gloss I saw that the mirror works as  a fine frame: There I was, diving into my purse, looking for the camera -  a snap hot!
Welcome to the first 4 Ways Photography Challenge!
4 Ways Photography Challenge is a monthly creative meme
where we wish to challenge you and one another in finding
4 ways of photographing the monthly themes:

April 25th:  4 Self-Portaits - 4 Ways
May 23rd: Motherhood
June 20th: In My Town
August 15th: Capturing Negative Space

4 Ways is hosted by 4 friends - all photo enthusiasts,
who wish to share the joy of finding new insights and skew angles
in photographing the world around us,
embracing everyday life with a camera at hand.

4 Ways Photography Challenge is open to everyone!

The April theme is
4 Self-Portraits - 4 Ways
Baking mud cake and tasting the frosting - well - a few times ... yum! Having the round taste of chocolate in my mouth - that brings a subtle smile on my face! I edited the photo using the posterize-function in PicMonkey, and adding a vintage effect on Pixrl Express.
Evening tea and some quiet time ... dwelling in the dreamy landscapes far away ...

4 Ways Photography Challenge is open to everyone:

 Come and join us by linking your self-portraits
in a blog post or Flickr-link below.

PS. Self-portait can be anything
- a shadow, a foot;
any representation of you

Thoughts and Images Along the Way


1. Link up one blog post / one Flickr link with max. 4 self-portraits

2. Visit a few fellow participants

3. Spread the word by grabbing our button or by adding a text link on your post

 Let’s be inspired by one another!

Diana, Liz, Margie & Nina

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Creative License Friday #7

This beautiful flower-image is captured by Gail @ Louisiana Belle -
I admire the a lovely light / bokeh; meaning the circles of light in the middle of the photo!

The photo took me to an afternoon tea party in  an romantic English garden in the early 1900s ...
 I wanted to create a vintage-style photo, bringing a feeling of looking back to a nostalgic memory.

I added extra color / saturation to the photo, then I desaturated it totally, brushing the flowers so the color came back on them. Thereafter I added an old vintage-brown and red in Pixrl, and a Craquelure Cavalier texture from French Kiss, together with a signature stamp.


 for hosting this creative meme!

Monday, 22 April 2013

Exciting news - 4 Ways Photography Challenge!

Yes, you did read correct - a new photography challenge is about to be born!

4 Ways Photography Challenge is a creative photography meme, which I'll be co-hosting together with my friends Diana from the Studio 56, Liz from Belles Belongings and Margie from Nihao, Cupcake!. We met one another via Art of Composition online photography course. You might remember that we held a mini-blog hop a month ago, to cherish the good time we had in the class - learning of composition and photography, shooting a whole lot of pictures and sharing them with one another.

We've been talking about finding a way to keep the flame alive, that was awakened during the photography course. Our wish is to keep on taking pictures of new themes, looking at the world around us with curiosity - seing things in our everyday environment in a new light. 

The fruit of this wish is "4 Ways Photography Challenge", which will be launched this Thursday.

4 Ways Photography Challenge is a monthly creative meme, where we wish to challenge you and one another in finding 4 ways of photographing the monthly theme, which in April is

Self Portraits in 4 Ways
4 Ways Photography Challenge is open to everyone!
No experience is needed, every sort of camera is usable - both cell phones and iPhones have good quality cameras today. I wouldn't know how to take pictures with an SLR-camera, since I'm used to take photos with my little and handy  Canon IXUS point & shoot camera and iPhone. (An SLR is on my wish list ...  I hope to get one and learn to use it one day :)
If you wish to sharpen your photos or adjust the light or saturation, there's plenty of free programs to do it with, I use PicMonkey and Pixrl - I've heard that Photobucket and Picasa are also easy to use.

The theme self portraits arose from our inexperience - self portraits was actually the assignment, which I found as the most difficult one ...  I still don't think it's easy. Therefore - more pictures, more practice, more experience ...

The themes will change from month to month, we'll let you know on Thirsday the themes for May to August.

The afternoon sun made such a nice reflection on the red onion ... it caught my eyes and I caught my camera, taking 4 different pictures of it
- this is my pre- 4 Ways Photography Challenge :)

A warm welcome to my new blog friends Anne and Kelekia!

I hope to see many of you on Thurdsay!


PS: We've decided that 4 is the maximum amount of views / photos - not a minimum - so you're more than welcome to join also with one self portrait

Sunday, 21 April 2013

An everlasting love

The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: 
"I have loved you with an everlasting love; 
I have drawn you with loving-kindness."

Jeremiah 31:3

Chris Tomlin - Everlasting God

I'm linking to:

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Green / Nature [Nurture Photography Spring]

Spots of green are appearing here and there

While the ground is still covered with leaves, 
lichen in the fallen branches 
highlights my path as I walk along 

Small sprouts lifting their heads up on stumps

This lichen in the tree will soon be hidden by the new, green leaves

Spring meets autumn 
- green and brown,
side by side

I heart 
the small greens
 of April 

Previous on Nurture Spring Photography:

Linking to:

Weekly Top Shot #79

Friday, 19 April 2013

The exhibition, library and pop corn [Random 5 Friday]

Thank you for all the great tips I received a while ago on how to sign a photography! I chose to write my autograph on a passe-partout with a pencil, and it worked fine! I think my photos got a different look when framed, somehow more "serious" in a way, compared on seeing them in the computer screen. The exhibition "Moods and Moments through My Camera" was held in March.

I've taken a few "photos of my photos", and I will post them soon here on the blog to share this special experience with you. I have received positive feedback and inquiries about the motivations and inspirations behind the pictures. A few were interested in buying a framed photo of mine - I was so surprised and delighted! I set 20 pictures up and came home with 15. Some of the 15 pictures are now decorating my office, some of them are at home, and two of the big one's I've decided to give to my uncle (since they're taken on his lake).

On fridays I like to visit out local library after work - today I picked up two books I had ordered, and just sat a while in the couch enjoying the slow and still Friday atmosphere. I haven't read a novel for quite a while now - I've been occupied with literature related to my work (which is interesting and lovely to go deep with) - but today I felt like diving into a novel - a happy one, not too social realistic - a book with interesting characters. So I asked our librarian for advice (she recommends good books that I've enjoyed before). She introduced me to three writers, I haven't read before: Jennifer Weiner, Kate Kerrigan and Karin Alvtegen ... Now it's tickling in my fingertips to open the first book in just a minute.

I've been a bit tired lately, so last week I got checked my vitamin levels - the test showed that I have low vitamin B, Calsium and Magnesium. I was recommended also a diet without sugar, milk and wheat for the next 6 weeks. "Umm... 6 weeks - I'll give it a change ... " were my thoughts last Wednesday.

The change is a bit radical, though not impossible: I don't use milk due lactose intolerance, I bake often with spelt and rye, and now I've used stevia instead of sugar. So all in all, this week has been all right - I need to confess that I've missed my toast in the morning! 

Almonds and raw chocolate nibs are all right with tea ... But I needed to find out some new ways of baking the sweet things. I've found an easy and delicious book on how to make raw cookies and cakes - I'm testing the first recipe tomorrow ... 

I bought these "pale-tulips" last weekend, and look what's happened! Too much sun shine, too little water ... But there just might be hope. 

The little note attached to the plants said, that you can plant them in the garden in spring, and dig them up and put them inside for winter?! Maybe my friend could plant them into her garden - it's worth a try?

Soon I'm going to make a pop corn in our old old pop corn pot, flavour them with salt, paprika and turmeric, lay down and grab a book ....

... but before that, I'd like to say warm welcome to my new blog friends

Tabetha, Heavens Walk, Michelle, The Mosbys, My haunted Attic,
Leslie, Melissa, Justina, MamaJB, Marisa, Judy, Molly,
E,,a, Cynthia, Hula-La and Jessica!

Enjoy your weekend!


I'm linking to Nancy's / Rural Journal's

Aloha Friday Blog Hop