Tuesday, 26 April 2016

A Little Spring Update

I am in love with this world . . . 
I have climbed its mountains, roamed its forests, 
sailed its waters, crossed its deserts, 
felt the sting of its frosts, the oppression of its heats, t
he drench of its rains, the fury of its winds, 
and always have beauty and joy 
waited upon my goings and comings.  

John Burroughs

:   :   :

Spring weather has brought sun, rain, hail and wind to us the past few days ... 
Yes, I'm checking the weather and temperature each morning, in order to decide between a winter coat, a spring coat or a rain coat... 

Back in my childhood in Finland, I remember that April was the month when the snow was beginning to smelt, making small brooks and becks, where we would play with boats made of bark.

Our younger son has been down with influenza last week - It's great that he's gotten well and back to school - and that the rest of us seem to have skipped the virus this time.

I have been without sugar 3 weeks ... I just had to try if I could make it and how it would be!
I was surprised to experience headache the first 2 days (maybe that was a coincidence?) - and also that after 5 days, the graving for sweet things just lost it's power on me! 
I have sipped tea in the evenings - and it has been easy to skip the cakes at the work. This weekend I was to a birthday party, where I got a piece of birthday cake, which tasted fine and sweet ... So, there has been a tiny break in the sugar free period - But I will continue, and intend to keep on going sugar free still for some time.

Something nice is taking place very soon - that is, the Colour Hillsong Conference at London, starting on Thursday. As it happened, I was able to jump in as a friend to a friend swapped her place with me. We're 4 friends traveling together - we met some time ago just to an art, walk & coffee afternoon, and planning the upcoming trip.

Moreover - A dear friend of mine, whose living in UK, is able to meet with me in London ... I'm really thankful for being able to travel, and I am looking forward to this weekend!

You are never too old to
set another goal
or to dream another dream.

C. S. Lewis

:   :  :

 With smiles and happy midweek greetings,

sharing with

Saturday's share Fest by The Sits Girls

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Tree of Life

All I Am by Phil Wickham

:   :   :

Blessings to your Sunday,

Here's a printable
of Proverbs 3:18
for you

Sharing with

 Photo:iPhone 5S with Olloclip extern lens
Photo Apps: Snapseed, Glaze, Bruststroke, ImageBlender & Word Swag

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Bathing in Sunlight [Wordless Wednesday]

.. The withering beauties (from last week), now bathing in sunlight.

Happy Wordless Wednesday,


sharing with 

Wordless Wednesday by NC Sue
Wordless Wednesday by Create with Joy 

photos:Nikon D3200, Lightroom Preset Ride the Wind 6 by 2 Lil Owls-studio

Sunday, 17 April 2016

One blessing after another

This Amazing Grace by Phil Wickham

:   :   :

Blessings to your Sunday,

Here's a printable
of John 1:16
for you

Sharing with

 Photo: Nikon D3200

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Flower Surprise [Wordless Wednesday]

As I came home from swimming on Saturday, these flowers and homemade cookies waited in front of our door with a beautiful card ... Such a lovely surprise from a dear friend!

... With thankful greetings, 

sharing with 

Wordless Wednesday by NC Sue
Wordless Wednesday by Create with Joy 

photos: iPhone 5S, Snapseed, VSCOcam & ImageBlender Apps

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Eternity in the heart

This I Believe (The Creed) by Hillsong Worship

:   :   :

Blessings to your Sunday,

Here's a printable
of Ecclesiastes 3:11
for you

Sharing with

Scripture & Snapshot

 Photo: iPhone 5S, Olloclip lens, Snapseed & VSCO applications

Monday, 4 April 2016

Knitting Colours

Every now and then we meet up with creative  friends, and spent a Saturday together.

We met last weekend, where I learned to knit a French Lily- pattern. It was not all that easy - counting the loops and being very attentive - but it was not impossible either. I might knit a pillow to our couch with this pattern - if a suitable recipe will be found (I do not trust my own ability to make a recipe with this design yet!)

As I came home, I noticed how the orange yarn matched in colour the Easter flowers ... and I snapped a series of photos - changing the point of focus:

There's great value to knitting or 
digging up your garden or 
chopping up vegetables for soup, 
because you're taking some time away 
from turning the pages, 
answering your emails, 
talking to people on the phone, 
and you're letting your brain process 
whatever is stuck up in there. 

Chellie Pingree

... Wishing you a great week ahead,


 sharing with 

Wordless Wednesday by NC Sue
Wordless Wednesday by Create with Joy 

Photos: Nikon D3200

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Love your neighbor

:   :   :

Blessings to your Sunday,

Here's a printable
of Mark 12:31
for you

Photo: Nikon D3200