Saturday, 2 July 2016

Smooth Jazz Melodies

Copenhagen Jazz Festival has started, and there is music all over the town. Nina and Søren Baun - a bother and a sister - held a concert in the cozy Cafe Cadeau.  
Café Cadeau is a non profit café run by Frederiksberg Integrationsforening (FIF) and Church Integrations Ministry (KIT). The profit of the café goes to integration and humanitarian projects in Denmark and abroad.

We had an unforgettable evening with a lovely mix of Nina's moody and modern jazzy songs, 
and Søren's groovy and light numbers & evergreen cover songs with Latin rhythms.

I hope to get to listen Acoustic Lounge, that is playing in Cafe Cadeau on Monday.  
Acoustic Lounge is one of Søren Baun's Jazz Projects.

Søren Baun 1. July 2016 Cafe Cadeau #CPHJazz from Nina Jensen on Vimeo.

I recorded short videos from the concert - Video above is recorded with Cinamatic iPhone Application 
(a Hipstamatic Style video recoring app).

The video below i recorded wih the build in camera of the iPhone, and edited in iMovie.

Søren Baum 1/7-16 Cafe Cadeau #CPHJazz from Nina Jensen on Vimeo.

... With melodic greetings,
 Happy Weekend
to you! 


 Friendship Friday Friday Photo Journal
Photo Friday by Jen
Saturday's share Fest by The Sits Girls


  1. Love your photographs.


    1. Thanks so much, Molly! The photo of your daughter & the buttercup flowers nails down the summer for me ... Sunshine, field of wild flowers, and the timeless feeling of holiday! I look forward of following your 365 photo project! It takes stamina - and also sharpens one's focus to daily seize a moment and capture it with a camera. I took a daily photo through 2 years - and I cherish those photos! Now the summer holidays getting closer, I will take a daily photo when on vacation - and am looking forward to it. Sunshine to your July!


Thank you so much for taking time to leave a comment! I read and enjoy them all and I'll do my best to to hop on over to your blog for a visit.