Sunday, 31 July 2016

Working in You

:  :  :

Blessings to your Sunday,


Here's a printable
of Philippians 2:13 (NLT)
for you

Sharing with

Scripture & Snapshot

Photo: iPhone 5S - Snapseed, Camera+, Brushstroke & WordSwag - Apps  

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Roses - Rosé, Dark and Dysty [Wordless Wednesday]

... Roses with mood,


sharing with 

Wordless Wednesday by NC Sue
Wordless Wednesday by Create with Joy 

Photo: iPhone 5S

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

The Summer Day

Some more Anemone love ... These Japanese Anemones, "Pink Saucers", are just adorable!

The Summer Day

Who made the world?
Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?

This grasshopper, I mean-
the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down-
who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.

Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.

I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.

Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
With your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver -

Wishing you a great week ahead,


photos: iPhone 5S - Lightroom preset Ride The Wind 1 and texture Artist 8 by 2 Lil Owls

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Truly Live

Do Something by Mathew West

 :   :   :

Blessings to your Sunday,


Here's a printable
of Psalm 90:12 (The Voice)
for you

Sharing with

 Photo:iPhone 5S - Snapseed, Camera+, Stackables, Mextures and WordSwag Apps

Friday, 22 July 2016

About the Bees

Bees are very small, yet they have such an importance to us ... Plants grow thanks to the bees, who do the pollination.

Much is said and written about the bees:

If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live.
Maurice Maeterlinck

Everything takes time. Bees have to move very fast to stay still. 
David Foster Wallace

One can no more approach people without love than one can approach bees without care. Such is the quality of bees...
Leo Tolstoy

I’m quietly sipping my coffee,
sitting on the deck,
settled in to my little jungle of herbs and buzzing bees,
letting my thoughts wander, soaked in the warmth of the rising sun.
Breathing in and out the soft air 
filling the moment with fluids of peace.

Anna Asche

... With holiday greetings,


Photo: iPhone 5S, Lightroom preset At The Vineyard 7 by 2 Lil owls

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Yellow [Wordless Wednesday]

... Happy Wordless Wednesday,


sharing with 

Wordless Wednesday by NC Sue
Wordless Wednesday by Create with Joy 

Photo: iPhone 5S

Sunday, 17 July 2016

The Life Path

This Is Living by Hillsong Worship

 :   :   :

Blessings to your Sunday,


Here's a printable
of Psalm 16:11 (The Message)
for you

Sharing with

 Photo:iPhone 5S - Hipstamatic and WordSwag Apps

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Summer Holidays

A Saturday afternoon, two weeks ago, I was going to grocery shopping ... And on my way to the store, there was live music on the tiny square! Benjamin Aggerbæk was playing jazz with his band - so I grabbed an Iced Coffee from the nearby cafe, enjoyed the light jazz in the sun. 
It was a joy to watch the sweet toddler playing with the red balloon, and I took a snapshot of her ... This photo called for an color spot edit with a touch of vintage, didn't it?!

Summer Holidays are over us, and we'll be visiting family the next two weeks, where I will be away from the blog. However, thanks to Blogger's Post Planner - function, I have written a few post, that will pop up here every now and then.

Louis Amstrong & Ella Fritzgerald:
Dream a little dream of me

... Wishing you slow days & sunshine,


Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Add Soft Evening Sun Glow with Photo Veils [Photo Recipe]

Japanese Anemones, sometime also called "Pink Saucers", are some of my favourite flowers. I like the slim and long stem, and the pale pink flowers, with uneven petals, the orange stamen and the light green receptacle. 

Yesterday evening we walked by a whole field of Pink Saucers - such a beautiful sight! My big camera was at home, so I took some photos with my iPhone camera. It was cloudy and about to rain - which gave a fine and even light - but as I edited the photos today, I wanted to create a feeling of a setting sun behind the flowers, using photo veils from Love that Shot.

Photo recipe:

  • I cropped the photo, leaving the flower in focus to the right side of the photo. In Lightroom, I sharpened the flower in focus, boosting slightly the clarity, sharpening and contrast, with the brush mask. 
  • Then I opened the photo in Photoshop, and applied the Privet photo veil from the Botanical Collection, using soft light blending mode with 50% opacity.
  • To create a mild vignette effect, I applied Low Spotlight Right photo veil from the Illumination Collection using soft light blending mode 100%.
  • The Evening Sun Glow effect is created with 2 photo veils:

I like to tweak my photos with photo veils and textures - they enable me to create a photo with just the right mood and light, I wish to convey.

Photo veils enable me - literally - to create some sunshine to a cloudy day ... Maintaining the natural look I appreciate, since I can adjust both the volume of the effect, by choosing the blending mode and the opacity.

Every now and then I edit some of my iPhone photos in Lightroom and Photoshop - like the photo from yesterdays walk. 

Now that I know where to find the Japanese Anemones, I will try going back with my big DSLR camera, to take even sharper photos with shallow depth of field... to be able to make a large print of these beauties, the sea of "Pink Saucers".

... Wishing you an inspiring and beautiful summer:

Let us enjoy the moments outside -
The Scandinavian summer is short,
so each moments out in the Great Outdoors 
is to be cherished, 


Sunday, 10 July 2016

Good to me

Here With You by Hillsong Worship

 :   :   :

Blessings to your Sunday,


Here's a printable
of Psalm 116:7 (NLT)
for you

Sharing with

 Photo:iPhone 5S - Snapseed, Camera+ , Faded and WordSwag Apps
Photo Veil: Privet from Illumination Collection by Love That Shot

Saturday, 9 July 2016

A wonderful day

Today is the first day of summer holidays ... As I opened my eyes this morning, I took a deep breath, smiled and felt just light and grateful. The last two months has been filled with lots of writing and many deadlines at work, and I managed to finish my'to do' list yesterday. My mind has not fully comprehended that yet, but it will sink into my consciousness within a few day, I'm sure. 

Our boys have been on vacation for already two weeks, and they have still four weeks to go before the school starts again.
Pita lunch with schwarma and pommes frites is the favourite of your youngest son at the moment, so we went to the Schwarma House at noon ... Just a small treat ... A little celebration of that we're on holidays all together. 

I biked to downtown to run some errands. I visited my favourite bookstore and found some titles, hoping to find from Kindle or from the e/book library. I found out that Lisa Genova, whose "Still Alice" I read some years ago, has written also a book called "Left Neglected". The main character, Sarah Nickerson, experiences brain injury, that turns her life upside down ... Lisa Genova is a neuroscientist and a writer. I do like her authentic style of writing, humour with a twist, and the way she describes the characters and weaves the circumstances together.

The Church of Our Lady • Vor Frue Kirke • has a beautiful silhouette. The sun broke out from the clouds as I was crossing over the square, so I took a snapshot. The Church of Our Lady is the National Cathedral of Denmark, and the wedding of Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark, and Mary Elizabeth Donaldson, took place in The Chruch of Our Lady in 2004.

Queen Louise's Bridge is one of my favourite places to stop by, when biking in town. The bridge connects the inner city and the Northern part of Copenhagen.There is a bunch of benches on the bridge for people to sit down, together with a fast food stand, like hot dogs, or pancakes. In the summer time there is often times music, and in the evenings young people hang out on the bridge.

In December you can buy a Christamas tree from the bridge, and in New Year's Eve fireworks are being fired from the bridge. 

I continued from the Queen Louise's Bridge, biking along the City Lakes, and stopped for a while by a bench.  

It happened twice today, that someone asked me about my handbag: "May I ask you where you have gotten your bag from? Is it a vintage one, did you find it from eBay or Trendsales?"  

I do like my brown leather bag, even though it is not a vintage one, nor a second hand find. I bought it for a year ago from Spikes & Sparrows, a Dutch brand, that has developed a special tanning process, that gives the vintage like look to the leather. 

This is actually my first leather hand bag, that I have bought to myself ... I am mostly a tote bag or backpack type of a person. When the time came, that I needed a leather bag, I spent a few weeks surveying online for a bag, that would suit to my needs: A bag I could use everyday, in every weather and with every kind of outfit. And ~ I am happy about my bag: There is room for a book or two, a bottle of water and a lunch pack, my phone, keys, notebook and a folded tote bag for groceries. 
... My first day of summer holidays is turning to an evening.
I cherish the cozy lunch with our youngest today, and am
grateful for being on the other side of the writing marathon at work.
Sipping tea and just being.


Photo Friday by Jen
Saturday's share Fest by The Sits Girls

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Beautiful in every way

Love On the Line by Hillsong Worship

 :   :   :

God wants to whisper in your ear today that 
You're beautiful, precious and unique
- just as you are.

:  :  :

Blessings to your Sunday,


Here's a printable
of Song of Songs 4:7 (NIV)
for you

Sharing with

 Photo:iPhone 5S - Hipstamatic [Gregory lens, Telegraph film] and WordSwag Apps

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Smooth Jazz Melodies

Copenhagen Jazz Festival has started, and there is music all over the town. Nina and Søren Baun - a bother and a sister - held a concert in the cozy Cafe Cadeau.  
Café Cadeau is a non profit café run by Frederiksberg Integrationsforening (FIF) and Church Integrations Ministry (KIT). The profit of the café goes to integration and humanitarian projects in Denmark and abroad.

We had an unforgettable evening with a lovely mix of Nina's moody and modern jazzy songs, 
and Søren's groovy and light numbers & evergreen cover songs with Latin rhythms.

I hope to get to listen Acoustic Lounge, that is playing in Cafe Cadeau on Monday.  
Acoustic Lounge is one of Søren Baun's Jazz Projects.

Søren Baun 1. July 2016 Cafe Cadeau #CPHJazz from Nina Jensen on Vimeo.

I recorded short videos from the concert - Video above is recorded with Cinamatic iPhone Application 
(a Hipstamatic Style video recoring app).

The video below i recorded wih the build in camera of the iPhone, and edited in iMovie.

Søren Baum 1/7-16 Cafe Cadeau #CPHJazz from Nina Jensen on Vimeo.

... With melodic greetings,
 Happy Weekend
to you! 


 Friendship Friday Friday Photo Journal
Photo Friday by Jen
Saturday's share Fest by The Sits Girls