Friday, 3 June 2016

May 2016 [Month in Photos]

Painterly Apps Impresso & Brushtroke

This May has been special in many ways:
  • My May started at the Hillsong Color Conference in London - a lovely trip and time together with friends, being lifted up and enjoying the fellowship, worship and teaching ... Not to forget some sightseeing with Fish and Chips
  •  Warm and sunny days made the nature and flowers blossom ... the scent of spring flowers in the neighborhood has been delightful 
  • Time at the School Camp in the countryside with pine trees, bonfire & walks by the sea - with a bunch of creative and unique kids - did make a great break in the Great Outdoors
  • Days at work has flown by fast - sometimes you wish you could seize the time to maybe finish a few more things before calling it a day ... yet the important things manages to be taken care of, in the end of the day 
  • In the end of May we held a party for our younger son - he's already 15 years old - and we had my parents staying with us 4 days ... With the heat wave and sun shine with us - Summer has arrived!

... Wishing you a peaceful weekend,


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A Month in Photos by Mona's Pictoresque
Toukokuun kollaasihaaste by Pieni Lintu


  1. Thank you Nora, I am a novice with portraits, yet I enjoy the practice :)
    May was so beautiful ... I'm lucky having been able to see so much of the nature in the blossoming beauty.

  2. Lovely to see your beautiful photos, Nina. Sounds like you have had a wonderful start to your summer. Great photo of your son. I can see the family resemblance! A very handsome young man. Blessings for your week. xx Karen

  3. Beautiful May images! My daughter turned 15 this year. I still am not sure how that happened. :) Just recently I noticed I was looking up at her, she is now taller that I am...

  4. Ihana kollaasi ja ihania kuvia! Tykkään erityisesti tuosta ylemmästä seepian (?) sävyisestä :)
    Todella kaunis! Ja nyt ollaan jo kesäkuun puolessa välissä... kyllä aika kuluu nopeasti!
    kiitos, kun linkitit & hyvää kesäkuunjatkoa!


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