Saturday, 13 February 2016

Random Acts of Kindness

Someone had collected these baby mittens from the ground and set them by the bus stop on a bench ... That is a friendly gesture.

Another Random Act of Kindness I witnessed this week, happened during the rush hour by our little town square. A man jogging over the street dropped his phone without noticing it - the phone fell from his pocket as he was crossing the street. A young gentleman picked the phone up, and run up to the jogger, returning the phone to him ... That was lovely to watch ~ many of us by the square saw what happened, sending encouraging and friendly smiles to this young gentleman, as he walked back to his fiancé.

I helped a colleague by taking over her shift, so she could go and pick her child from the nursery a bit earlier.

Our friends have 'adopted' a cat, that had been left behind by their neighbours, as they moved to another city. The sweet cat, they've now named 'Sille', is a bit shy yet very pretty ~ she has brown fur with few grey spots, and beautiful green eyes. 

... A bunch of Random Acts of Kindness this week ~ it is encouraging to see, how we care for one another ... Fellowmen ~ colleagues~ citizen ~ pets and animals.

What Random Acts of Kindness have you noticed this week?


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Random Acts of Kindness by Manu

 [Blogging every day in February - Day 13]


  1. Kindness is still around, if we stop to notice. What did I notice this week? Quiet compliments, fellow teachers sharing books/copies, and a friend paying for lunch.

  2. Its amazing all the goodo we witness when we set our minds to look for it.

  3. Hello!!
    I am looking forward to always nice blog.
    Japan is "HARU ITIBAN" visited today.
    Meaning of HARU spring, ITIBAN is the most.
    It is the meaning of the wind to notice the coming of spring in Japan.

    1. Hello Ryoma,
      The spring must be so pretty over there, with all the cherry flowers in bloom - I bet you're looking forward to that season!

  4. Nina, lovely post and how many RAKs.
    Thanks for taking part!
    Have a lovely evening

  5. That was so sweet for that special someone to do, Nina...:)JP


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