Monday, 29 February 2016

February 2016 [Month in Photos]

Sun started to peak out between the clouds more often in February, creating a feeling that Spring is just around the corner. Yet, the Frost revisited us with some snow flakes and chilly weather. 

Some colds and flues - a part of winter - have been underway ... So pots of warm tea with honey, ginger and lemon, has been brewed in the kitchen.

Winter Break with slow mornings and some get together's, created an oasis or rewinding with the family.

Blogging Every Day in February made med pick up my camera and go out and about - walks in the neighborhood are refreshing both for the body and the soul.

 How has your month of February been? 


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A Month in Photos by Mona's Pictoresque
Helmikuun kollaasihaaste by Pieni Lintu

[Blogging every day in February - Day 29]


  1. Beautiful shots with your phone. It looks like maybe you have a bit more sun there. Oh and a bud! Wow!

    1. Yes, buds are beginning to appear hear and there - Welcome spring!

  2. Hope you all feel better soon! Tea should makes everything better! :)

    1. Tea works always, Betsy! And thanks - we're getting on the top of the flues!

  3. Your in the spring mood too. Swans are fabulous. And bicycle gives me hope. Soon i will be riding mine too.

    R. Täysin arkista

    1. Täällä on ollut hyvin lämmin talvo, jotta muutamaa päivää lukuunottamatta ollaan voitu pyöräillä. Ja kevään merkkejä löytyy jo päivittäin! Joko siellä on lumet sulamassa?

  4. Just beautiful. The book with a rose - ahh!!!

  5. Beautiful! There is so much light and Spring. I can feel the slow :)
    Thanks for linking up! wishing you a very happy March.

  6. Spring will be here pretty soon!

  7. Oi, niin keväinen kollaasi :)

  8. Aivan ihana tunnelma sun kollaasissasi! Tykkään todella paljon.<3

  9. Voin oikein haistaa kevään <3

  10. These are incredibly lovely shots. Bravo.

  11. Beautiful photo review of the month and that brewing pot of tea sounds like an awesome idea Nina

  12. Our weather is beginning to turn to warmer days and I'm excited for spring. Love the shot of the pussy willow bud. That is one of my favorite bushes.

  13. Pussy willows are always a sure sign of spring! A very beautiful February. Great job blogging everyday. :) I hope everyone is now well in your house. Our temperatures are chilly, snow flurries yesterday, but the daffodils are starting to peek out of the ground. Spring is coming!


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