Saturday, 7 November 2015

The 3 rings & other tidbits

Small and everyday'ish photos - meaningful moments - from my week.

I take my rings off when doing things in the kitchen - to keep them safe and clean. The other day I noticed the pretty light, they reflected, and the contrast between the metal and the soft cotton towel. 

The very old tradition in Denmark has been that you have one ring for both the engagement and for the wedding. That is, when you get engaged, you wear the ring in the ring finger in your left hand. When you get married, you move the ring to the ring finger at your right hand. As my husband told me this, I found the simplicity of the tradition very charming and special - and wanted to follow it. The ring furthest on the left is my engagement & wedding ring.

The ring in the middle is from our 10th wedding anniversary - it has also 3 small stones, looking like 3 rings but they're melted together. I wear this ring together with the wedding ring on my right ring finger. 

The ring with a circle of small stones is from our 20th anniversary (this august), and it sits now in the ring finger in my left hand. 

I do not wear a lot jewellery - these rings and earrings, occasionally a simple neck-less I got from my dad on my 14th birthday ... The meaning attached to these jewellery makes them special to me.

Hearing our elder son play piano is something I cherish a lot ... I took a snapshot before dinner in low light as he was rehearsing for his class.

The flu got me in the end ... Tea and warm soup is so soothing for a sore throat. The season for colds has arrived - I hope this one has strengthened my body, building some antibodies to resist any possible virus around.

We had a late Halloween Party for our younger sons class ... A lovely bunch of teenagers! I did some fun photo-editing with the images above (our son & me :) with Pip-camera -, Mirrored- and Koloid Apps.

...Wishing you a happy weekend,
Stay well and fresh,


Sharing with 

Saturday's share Fest by The Sits Girls
 Friendship Friday Friday Photo Journal
Photo Friday by Jen

Photos: iPhone 5S, Camera+, Snapseed, VSCO, Hipstamatic, Aviary, Mirrored, PIP Camera and Koloid Apps.


  1. Your photos always make me want to linger - perhaps sip some tea with you, Nina. I once took my wedding band off in a big city store where I was testing some hand cream. As I was shopping in another store down the street, the young man who had helped me in the former store, rushed in to hand me my ring. I could not believe his integrity and my luck. Since I'm so active and often wear gloves (gardening and biking in summer) and skiing in winter, I often keep my rings safe in a jewelry box and only wear them when I dress for something special. The wedding ring signifies a promise - my promise is 49 years old - I hope not to break the promise or lose the ring. Take care and feel well.

    1. How wonderful that you got your ring back ~ such a friendly and thoughtful person at the store!
      49 years ~ how deep a love, friendship and bond there is between you two ... And your family!
      Thank you for your words, Barb ~ I wish we'd share coffee and talk one day ~ there's so many things in common, and I'd love to hear more of your experiences and walk the trails & tracks together, you have posted images of!

  2. I love the tradition of the rings in Norway and I think it's special that you wanted to observe this tradition. Our wedding rings are so important and symbolize such an important commitment to both our husbands and to God. I love the shot of your son playing the piano; just perfect. I hope you are feeling better soon. I have had this same junk now for a week and I am so ready to get over it...I too hope this is the last for me for awhile....I hope you have a blessed Sunday....

  3. I love the photo and description of your rings, Nina, and their meanings. I am the same way, I only wear my marriage bands. Very minimal jewelry, very occasionally a simple necklace. I too have three rings that are symbolic. A wedding / engagement / and 10th anniversary. I wear two of them all the time, the third for more special occasions.
    Wonderful photo of your pianist. Lilly has been playing more in the evenings lately, and I am loving the sound. She's playing saxophone in the school band, and her musical learning is growing!

  4. How artistic and dramatic photos become with black and white effect. Love them. Especially the 2nd one.

  5. Your photos are always an inspiration. I love the way you capture the light and different textures. Have a wonderful Sunday xx

  6. How very sweet that tradition of rings is! For my engagement ring, I have my paternal grandmother's 25th anniversary set - given to me when she died...I waited 15 years to find someone worthy of that love to put it on my left hand. As my wedding ring, I have his great grandmother's wedding ring...the family story is that she loved her husband so much she married him twice. The divorce and great grandpa's need to disappear are family lore tied up in the Emmett Till murder in the Mississippi Delta and quite the story in and of itself. On my right hand, I have my maternal grandmother's wedding set. I wear it to remind me that marriage is about a commitment - even when it's hard to stay and might be easier to leave. None of the rings are worth much - we come from poor, simple people - but they mean everything to me.

    Thank you for sharing with us at Photo Friday!

  7. I love how you've shared your week this way. It feels so private and personal and romantic. Your story about the rings is wonderful . That your husband gives you a ring to celebrate each decade is so lovely. My husband would have missed our 10th anniversary if I hadn't reminded him and he also wouldn't have thought to give a gift, but I said to him 'You are buying me this beautiful antique ring for our Anniversary' and he did. :o) It is my most treasured piece of jewellery. The pieces with memories are so much more lovely then those without.


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