Saturday, 21 March 2015

Tidbits and Snapshots

I have figured out a smart way of "simplifying" my gluten-free diet - I bake to loaves of gluten-free bread (the image above), I slice them and then freeze the slices. And each morning I set one frozen slice in the toaster ... and Voila - Out pops a slice of warm and crispy bread! 

The theme in art lessons for the 2-3 graders at my work is Surrealism. They formed the other day Surreal Watches, inspired by Salvador Dali. These lovely watches are now hanging on branches, decorating their Arts Class ... I snapped the photo above as I peeked in.

Brushstroke App

I spotted a squirrel on my way home from church last Sunday. It froze and was completely still, as it spotted me - almost as posing :) ... As soon as I had taken the picture, it quickly climbed up to the nearest tree.

I have beed sewing Easter Eggs - combining colourful cloth, adding some sheet wadding in between - and finishing with a ribbon. They ended up being rather sweet! 

It was planned that I would visit my friend yesterday after work - and I hung 9 of these eggs on a bunch of cherry tree branches - she was happy and surprised to receive them! I will sew some more this weekend, to decorate our home for Easter.

Afternoon light created a nice shadow-light-play in the old chair - that inspired me to create "an old photo".

The photo above is inspired by the Creative Self Portrait Photography course. I took two photos with the Koloid Photo app, layered them with the Image Blender App, and added the text with the Over App ... On an evening this week, when the light lamp casted contrasting light on my face.

Now it is Saturday ... The men in the house are planning a jogging tour in the forest - I will pop by a book store and swim some lanes in the swimming hall thereafter - That will be good for my neck and shoulders. And thereafter no hurries, no plans ...

... Wishing you a peaceful weekend,


  1. Thanks for stopping by today Nina - I wanted to wish you a beautiful Spring! :-)

    1. Thank you Joy - Spring is a lovely season... seeing the growth around!

  2. Great shots and tid bits! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you Sarah - This has been a lovely weekend - even with a few snow flakes and wind :)

  3. Oh, I love that first shot of the bread in the light - the texture is wonderful! Sounds like you have an amazing weekend ahead - enjoy!

    1. Thank you Barb - Yes, the light play in the mornings is just wonderful :)

  4. Sewing Easter eggs sounds like a fun seasonal activity. Your Saturday plans and no plans sound wonderful. I would love your bread recipe. :)

    1. Hi Karen,
      Easter eggs are lovely also because they're so fast to make :) I will share the recipe during Easter vacation - it is easy to prepare, yet takes some time ... so I usually make a double batch.
      Happy Sunday to you!

  5. I like your "Just Dreaming" photo... very cool edits!

    1. Thanks so much - iPhone Apps are creative and include many layering possibilities :)

  6. Impressive school art your creativity♪

    1. Thank you Laurie, following the arts class projects is such a a pleasure, I am smitten by the creativity of these children ;)

  7. Love the lighting in your first shot, beautiful.

    1. Thanks Kathy - I'm also happy having the morning light in out kitchen (Makes it easier to "bright & shine" even before the first cup of tea :)

  8. Hello, sweet Nina! Oh, how I love visiting you and seeing your beautiful images. I loved the squirrel photo. You are very creative, my friend.

    Love and hugs!

    1. Thank you sweet Stephanie! The little squirrel was a surprise actually my first photo of one ... they're moving so fast usually :) Love and happy weekend to you!

  9. The squirrel is wonderful! I like how his ears and tail appear really bushy. Beautiful Easter eggs as well, I can imagine that they look lovely on the cherry branches. You bread looks yummy. I bake bread myself as well since I love the dark and hearty breads that we have in Germany and that I don't get here in the States. My German friends order loaves from me, so I'm pretty busy baking.

  10. Your bread looks delightful. Love the squirrel with the brush effect.


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