Monday, 9 February 2015

Green Tea With Lemon, Ginger and Mint

Green Tea with Lemon, Ginger and Mint - and a spoonful of honey - has been
my favourite warm drink the past few weeks, like I wrote the other Friday. 

It is the season for all sorts of common cold now, and I have experienced that this mixture does not only taste good, but it seems to contain vitamins and other nourishing and strengthening qualities, that has kept me from getting the flu.

I boil a pot of water, and pour it in my teapot (for 8 cups tea), together with thinly sliced fresh ginger and fresh mint leaves. After about 6-9 minutes, when the water is about 75 C / 165 F degrees warm, I put about 3 tablespoons of green Sencha tea in an empty tea infusion bag, put it into the teapot and let it brew about 2 minutes, whereafter I remove the infusion bag. 

Sencha tea has an aromatic and mildly sweet flavor - when brewed only 2 minutes. With longer brewing time the taste gets easily bitter - or if used boiling water. I leave the ginger and mint into the pot, since I like the warm feeling the ginger leaves to my mouth and throat ... The stronger, the better.

After pouring the tea to a cup, I add some honey and squeeze some citron juice to go with ... Voila!

Green tea with lemon, Ginger and mint is a healthy and tasty way to build up your immune system against a common cold ... And a delicate warm drink, that surely will tickle your tastebuds.

... Let's savor every sip!


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Camera settings ISO 800  f/4,5   1/15 sec. 
On Air_Lemon LightRoom preset & Epic texture by Kim Klassen

PS. We're having Winter Break and I am away from the blog - this is posted with the help of Bloggers pre-post planner


  1. Nina, You make it look better than it usually tastes in reality (for me...). I always think of grass.

    1. Thank you Barb ... Green teas differ a lot - some of them taste like grass ... They do need some lemon and honey to go with :)

  2. Sounds delightful, my friend :) And your photos are lovely. Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you Stephanie - Tea is a simple pleasure, that gives us pleasant breaks every day, doesn't it :)
      Thank you for hosting the lovely "Roses of Inspiration"- blog party!

  3. Isn't it funny how the basics never fail us. Both aesthetically pretty and tasty. Lovely still art.

    1. Thank you Nicki ... Back to basics - with tea and daily life chores - The beauty and rest is hidden in the simple things :)

  4. Love #2 photo image -- I can see that in a large print hanging on my kitchen wall.. beautifully done..


    1. Thank you Kris - Yes, printing photos is something we do all too seldom, ain't it? You took some awesome photos of the lake - we need to make prints of the things we photograph.

  5. Green tea with honey is a favorite of mine...this sound great!...:)JP

  6. Lemon is a favorite flavor of mine.

    1. Lemon brightens up both in tea and also when baking ... Yes, it has a lovely flavor.

  7. So beautiful simple but so cool!
    Nice shots!

    1. Thank you Britta ... I try to focus in "Simplify" this year - having chosen it as my word ... so I'm happy that it can be seen in my photos as well :)

  8. Lemon tea with ginger and mint sounds so delightful. I like the glass juicer with this composition.

    1. Thank you Marilyn, I was looking for a simple juices, and I found this one from flee market a year ago - It is working fine and it is pretty as well :)

  9. Replies
    1. It is, Viv - The different scents makes you appreciate the process of making the tea, and you feel already better while you're waiting for it to be infused :)

  10. I now know why I never liked Sencha tea, I always brewed it too long. Your recipe sounds delicious, I will have to give the Sencha tea another try. :) I love your image with the lemon on the juicer. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you Michelle, the brewing time does have an effect on the taste - I hope you get better results next time when shortening the brewing time :)

  11. I drink something similar but haven't tried it with ginger (I also like lemon balm). I will definitely try this. There is so much medicinal goodness in there, you are right. I found you via Roses of Inspiration and am glad to follow along. Your blog is lovely.

    1. Thank you for your sweet note, Jes! Your Lemon Lip Balm recipe sounds lovely, I like the idea of putting both lemon and honey on it ... I definately will try making it! (I wonder where to get small containers for it?)

  12. Pretty images. This combination of flavors sound wonderful together!

    1. Thank you ... the flavours does make a tasty symphony all together!

  13. Great composition and I love anything lemon/honey!

    1. Thank you Sarah! Yes, lemon and honey - sweet and bitter - create really wonderful taste!

  14. Oooh that sounds so soothing. Going to have to try some.

    1. Thank you - I was making this tea during our winter break as well ... Keeping the habit :)

  15. Wonderful. My potion is Lipton's black tea, in a bag, lemon and honey. Nice and warm and comforting.

    1. Oh yes, Lipton black tea is very good, we have it here as well (I drink it at work - very good).

  16. This sounds very nourishing, Nina, both for the body and for the soul! I just bought some fresh ginger and lemon and I have some dried mint - I will try it! Hugs xo Karen

    1. That sounds great, Karen ... I hope you enjoy the tea!

  17. Tea is such a comforting drink for me. I love my greet tea with lemon too.
    The DOF and bokeh in both images is lovely, Nina! :)
    Enjoy your winter break!

    1. Thank you Kia, there is something soothing in making tea ... already when the scent of the flavour comes as we open the tea container ... The winter break was wonderful - I'm thankful for the days spent with family :)


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