Sunday, 25 January 2015

Seasoning God-Flavors

Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the 
God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? 

Matthew 5:13 The Message

Tim Hughes - May the Words of My Mouth

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Blessings to your week,

Here's a printable
of Matthew 5:13
for you 

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  1. What a wonderful thought, Nina!...:)JP

  2. I love this Nina. I think I shall print this and put this on my wall in work tomorrow. Have a wonderful week x

  3. Such a good reminder. thank-you and God bless you in your week ahead as we strive to be seasoning to bring out the God-flavors in this world!

  4. This is one of my favorite verses. I often am reminded by the h/s to be salt and light right where I am at.

  5. Beautiful, Nina! Blessings for the week ahead!

  6. A verse we need to be reminded of frequently...It's so easy to become like the world and have no impact but if we stay grounded in the Lord, He will use us as salt and light....I hope you have a wonderful week ahead....

  7. Beautiful, and I love the apt analogy. FYI...I hope you are able to join in at Song-ography! Tomorrow (Tuesdays) are the link up. T his week's song is "End of the Line (It's alright)" by the Traveling Wilburys. Would love to see your brilliant photography there :).

  8. Thank you for sharing this and the printable version, too. I'm trying to learn how to save verses like this as rotating screen savers to help me remember Scripture.


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