Saturday, 25 October 2014

Snapshots Along My Way

Do you know the feeling, when the words just doesn't match to what you wish to express ... Or maybe it's hard to find the words to express yourself with?

Well, this wordless feeling is hovering over me at the moment ...

Therefore, I let these of snapshots along my way to speak for themselves, with the quotes below:

There's so much grey to every story -
nothing is so black and white.

Lisa Ling

A single dream is more powerful
than a thousand realities.

J. R. R. Tolkien

Weekend greetings,


Sharing with

Friday Finds Friendship Friday Weekly Top Shot
 Saturday Share Fest Friday Photo Journal
Five Things 

Photos: iPhone 5, Snapseed, Hipstamatic, VSCOcam Apps


  1. Exquisite compositions, I love these autumn leaves!

  2. Oh, wow, Nina! I especially like the first and last pix. And the final quote with the last one gave me shivers. And also caused me to pray! Lord, what is Your dream for me? All this and I haven't even had a cup of tea yet this early morning! Happy Weekend, dear! :) m & jb

  3. Nina, I am awed - your photos speak volumes to me! Each begs for closer inspection.

  4. Each one of your shots has a story to tell and the quotes are perfect for each one….I too am learning at certain times to use less words and it's very liberating…..

  5. Beautiful, just beautiful! Your photos, your posts, and YOU are a blessing. Love and hugs!

  6. I LOVE that puddle reflection. We get very little rain here in So. Cal. But I'm hoping to play with puddles and reflections when it does

  7. Beautiful, just beautiful! And I {heart} that puddle reflection! :)
    Oh yes, I know the feeling. Sometimes it's hard to find the words to express myself, eps. in English. But as they say "A picture is worth a thousand words", and yours sure are.
    Have a happy new week ahead!

  8. Your reflection picture is so surreal, I love it. You are very creative with your images. The colors are beautiful in your brick wall photo, the leaves almost look like hearts. I always enjoy reading your thoughtful words, but your images are beautiful enough to stand on their own. :)

  9. I love your snapshots and quotes, Nina. Such good nourishment for thought and creativity. You are very talented!


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