Friday, 31 October 2014

Silence speaks

Silence speaks when words can't.

:   :   :

This peaceful sunset made me stop by the city lakes, as I was biking home from work. I sat down and enjoyed the setting sun...

It is already time to say farewell to October ... The 10th month in my Photo A Day-year! Little did I know how well my word Unhurried would be connected to my daily photos ... 

These quiet moments outside have really ment a lot to me, given some space that has been good:
Space to think - and not to think, space to let my feet lead the way, space to feel the wind in my hair and mist on my cheek ... space to receive and give a smile ... space for joy and space for sorrow ...

I intend to keep on walking and taking these daily snapshots. A photo a day ... 

Here's my daily photos from October: 

Wishing you a peaceful weekend,


PS. Remember I told you about a photo shoot I did at the pretty home of my dear friend? You can see my pictures and get a glimpse of her Scandinavian homedecorating style here.

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Sunday, 26 October 2014

Circle of Protection

GOD ’s angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray.

Psalm 34:7 The Message

Psalm 131 by John Michael Talbot

:   :   :

Blessings to your week, 

of Psalm 34:7 for you 

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Photo: iPhone 5, Camera+, Snapseed, Filterstorm Apps.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Snapshots Along My Way

Do you know the feeling, when the words just doesn't match to what you wish to express ... Or maybe it's hard to find the words to express yourself with?

Well, this wordless feeling is hovering over me at the moment ...

Therefore, I let these of snapshots along my way to speak for themselves, with the quotes below:

There's so much grey to every story -
nothing is so black and white.

Lisa Ling

A single dream is more powerful
than a thousand realities.

J. R. R. Tolkien

Weekend greetings,


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Friday Finds Friendship Friday Weekly Top Shot
 Saturday Share Fest Friday Photo Journal
Five Things 

Photos: iPhone 5, Snapseed, Hipstamatic, VSCOcam Apps

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

A Rainy Day at Tivoli Gardens through the Old Camera App

We had the pleasure of having my dear mom visiting us during the Fall Break. The Tivoli Gardens is beautifully decorated during the Harvest Market - Halloween season, and we spend a lovely afternoon - with our umbrellas - in Tivoli. 

These photos are taken with my iPhone, using the Old Camera Application. I chose the Kallitype Mode, out of 6 different black and white options in the Old Camera. I like the soft, grey tones and the strong vignette effect in the Kallitype mode. The Old Camera does really add a touch of vintage to the photos ... and a silver lining to a rainy day. 

I love especially the portrait of my mom in the cafe - the light falls softly to her beautiful face, capturing the dreamy look in her eyes. 
Another favourite of mine is the 2nd picture, where mom is standing in the mist with her umbrella.

Should I mention one disadvantage in the Old Camera App, it would be the fact that the app does resize the photos to a size around 200 - 250 KB. Since I want to use these photos in a photobook, I used the Filterstorm App to upsize them to around 3000 KB. 

We said farewell to my mom yesterday - She has had a safe trip and is back at home now. We're thankful and so happy for the moments spend together ... Looking forward for Christmas when we'll meet again!

With Rainy Day Greetings,

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Sunday, 19 October 2014

Waiting patiently

I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,
and he turned to me and heard my cry.

Psalm 40:1 New Living Translation

Hear my Cry

:   :   :

Blessings to your week, 

of Psalm 40:1 for you 

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Photo: iPhone 5, Snapseed, Old Camera & Filterstorm Apps. 
Textures: La Rochelle, Vienna & Camembert from the Olde World Collection by Love That Shot, 
Tableaux Old Style by French Kiss Textures.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Stained glass window

People are like stained glass windows: 
they sparkle and shine when the sun is out,
 but when the darkness sets in 
their true beauty is revealed 
only if there is a light within. 

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

:   :   :

Looking through a stained glass window - that is the atmosphere and feeling, I wanted to create to the photo above. 

Like when you have slept well in a wooden, old log cabin: You wake up slowly, wondering what time it is ... You draw the curtains aside and notice, that the sun is up ... You open the window and hear the birds, as the fresh air fills your lungs...

As I was walking the other day, I went to this silent spot of mine, where people seldom walk by -  Where you can hear the water and the birds, yet you're surrounded by the trees, and you get the feeling of being deep in the forest.

The autumn weather brings me down the memory lane ... The childhood memories of the long walks in the forest, picking mushrooms and cowberries. We had sandwiches in our backbags, and we stopped to a high place with a view, to have a rest and a little snack ...

Well ... I guess the view from my stained glass window would be to a hillside forest, with a river or a lake down in the valley ... 

What view would you be looking at from your stained glass window?

... With dreamy greetings,


Photo: iPhone 5, textures Monday, Loretta, ScrathedMacig & Jacob by Kim Klassen

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Monday, 13 October 2014

Gathering Reds and Browns [Be Still 52]

Textured with Mudding by Kim Klassen - blendmode overlay 25%.

I took a basket with me to the park Sunday afternoon - and I came back home with all the colors and scents of fall! Two candles are waiting to be set to the tin dish together with these finds from my walk ... To lighten up the dark evenings.

Inspired by Kim Klassens Still Life 52-course, I took a close look on the leaves, berries and branches, laid them on the table and tried to make a collage. Yet, it was only the red and brown colors, that captured my attention. 

As I found these browny, curly leaves under the bush, I took some photos of them already in the park, as they were swirling around the thin branches - these leaves have such a delightful form! 

Kim Klassen is teaching us in the classroom how to make a triptych template in Lightroom - her tutorial videos are guiding us smoothly through the different options ... And above you see my first template made in Lightroom - Thank you Kim!

I have used Kim's Moodswing Lightroom preset on the photos above - I like the contrast and the vintage-like feeling they give to the photos.

We're having Fall Break this week - It's funny how the Fall Break arrives each autumn exactly at the right time ... When we most need it. I am welcoming the slow mornings and late breakfasts with the family... And what is even better - My mom is coming over to visit us later this week! 

The less good news is that our eldest son has had an aggressive viral infection in his eye over a week now: His right eye is very sensitive to light, and the infection is causing pain in and around the eye. As the new medicine has not caused any positive change, we need to see the doctor again tomorrow... I hope he will be getting better soon!

Life is like the river,
sometimes it sweeps you gently along and 
sometimes the rapids come out of nowhere.
Emma Smith

:  :  :

 ... I hope your week is filled with
smiles and sunshine,


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Sunday, 12 October 2014

A Life of Love

Watch what God does, and then you do it, 
like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. 

Mostly what God does is love you. 
Keep company with him and learn a life of love. 

Observe how Christ loved us. 
His love was not cautious but extravagant. 
He didn’t love in order to get something from us but 
to give everything of himself to us. 

Love like that.

Ephesians 5:1-2 The Message

Oslo Gospel Choir: God Gave Me A Song

:   :   :

Blessings to your week, 


of Ephesians 5:1-2 for you 

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Photo: iPhone 5: Camera+, Snapseed & PIP Camera Apps 

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Accepting the Lot of Life

... and He allows them to accept their lot in life and
 to enjoy hard work. 
This is God’s gift.

Ecclesiastes 5:19 The Voice

:   :   :

Blessings to your week, 


of Ecclesiastes 5:19 for you 

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Photo: iPhone 5, Camera+, Snapseed, VSCOcam, Mextures & ImageBlender
Texture by Coppercurl Designs, LR preset Oldendays by Kim Klassen

Friday, 3 October 2014

I'm Just Dreaming ...

"I like to travel on the road that never ends,
me and Mother Nature are the best of friends,

Folks think that I'm lazy,
but I'm just dreaming ..."

Benny Goodmann 

These October dreams are taken with Sergio-lens and Maximux LXIX-film, Hipstamatic Application.

... Peaceful weekend greetings,