Friday, 22 August 2014

Walk views - Hipstamatic Way

Hipstamatic App: G2-lens & Ina's 1935 film

Walking works always - also as a ritual of closing up a week at work and moving towards the weekend.

I was drawn to the lakes, as the mild wind blew softly, scattering the clouds every now and then, releasing spots of sunlight along my way.

Hipstamatic App: G2-lens & Ina's 1935 film

It's the small things ... 
  • A smile and a friendly nod from a jogger, that passed me by
  • Hearing a father encourage his son to make another cast in the lake; "Maybe you'll get a bite this time" - and seeing the hope being renewed in the eyes of the little fellow with the fishing rod
  • Witnessing the patience of the owner of a puppy, who was learning to walk in a lead - that is, wanting to walk consistently to the opposite direction 
... Even when the news has been filled with reports on intolerance and terror, there is caring, love and forbearance to be found among us.

Let us be attentive and notice one another ... Your smile can brighten up someone's day today.

Hipstamatic App: Lowy-lens & Robusta-film

Until you spread your wings you'll have no idea how far you can fly.

Ray Bradbury  

:   :   :

... Happy weekend to you,


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  1. Looks like a lovely walk, Nina, gorgeous pictures !
    A beautiful quote .. and I agree ... it's the small things ...
    Have a great weekend,

  2. Dear Nina, your sweet post today is a much-needed soothing to my soul. Thank you.
    Many blessings, m & jb

  3. Hello Nina, Your photos are beautiful, you create magic with that phone of yours. Thank you for your words today. With so much bad news on the TV it is nice to have a reminder that there is good among us too.

  4. Just lovely! You captured some beautiful scenes.

  5. I have to thank you as well ... we just finished watching the horrors on the news once again and I feel disturbed ... just talking about it has helped me. Thank you Nina. Oh, and Hipstamatic is one of my fav apps - your photos are beautiful.

  6. Lovely words to go along with these fantastic photos. I particularly like the view of the walking bridge. I hope you enjoy a nice weekend.

  7. Beautiful photos grace your post and the words about walking always works resonates deeply with me. That is how I unwind and have time for quiet to enter my life. Happy weekend to you!

  8. Beautiful scenes.

  9. Love the quote...nice shots...happy week-end♪

  10. Hi sweet Nina! Your collection of pictures are beautiful and among my favorites from you :) Thank you for sharing your beauty and heart with us. Hugs to you!

  11. Ciao Nina, happy Monday.
    Your photos are beautiful - I always enjoy walks and beautiful scenery to soothe the soul. :)
    A beautiful quote too, so true!


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