Sunday, 31 August 2014

What do you say?

He then asked, “And you—what are you saying about me? Who am I?” 
Peter gave the answer: “You are the Christ, the Messiah.
Mark 8:29  (The Messenger)

:  :  :

Blessings to your week, 


of Mark 8:29 for you 

Sharing with: 
Still SaturdayThe Weekend Brew
Sunday Stillness , Give Me Grace

Photo: iPhone 5, Snapseed, VSCOcam & Filterstorm Apps. 
Photo veil Privet from the mobile collection by Love That Shot.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Taste the World- Street Festival in Copenhagen [Wordless Wednesday]

Happy Wordless Wednesday!


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Wordless Wednesday - Create with Joy  :::   Tina's WW ::: WW - Jenni from the Blog Schöne Welt :::  Wordless Wednesday - Better in Bulk  ::: Wordless Wednesday - David Wordless Wednesday - Live and Love Out Loud WW - Sue

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Live Carefree

So be content with who you are, and don’t put on airs. 
God’s strong hand is on you; He’ll promote you at the right time. 
Live carefree before God; He is most careful with you.

1. Peter 5:7 The Message

Be Still and Know by Scripture Lullabies

:  :  :

Blessings to your week, 


of 1. Peter 5:7 for you 

Sharing with: 
Still SaturdayThe Weekend Brew
Sunday Stillness , Give Me Grace

Photo: iPhone 5, Hipstamatic: G2 lens & Ina's 1935 film. 
Photo veil Privet from the Botanical Collection by Love That Shot.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Walk views - Hipstamatic Way

Hipstamatic App: G2-lens & Ina's 1935 film

Walking works always - also as a ritual of closing up a week at work and moving towards the weekend.

I was drawn to the lakes, as the mild wind blew softly, scattering the clouds every now and then, releasing spots of sunlight along my way.

Hipstamatic App: G2-lens & Ina's 1935 film

It's the small things ... 
  • A smile and a friendly nod from a jogger, that passed me by
  • Hearing a father encourage his son to make another cast in the lake; "Maybe you'll get a bite this time" - and seeing the hope being renewed in the eyes of the little fellow with the fishing rod
  • Witnessing the patience of the owner of a puppy, who was learning to walk in a lead - that is, wanting to walk consistently to the opposite direction 
... Even when the news has been filled with reports on intolerance and terror, there is caring, love and forbearance to be found among us.

Let us be attentive and notice one another ... Your smile can brighten up someone's day today.

Hipstamatic App: Lowy-lens & Robusta-film

Until you spread your wings you'll have no idea how far you can fly.

Ray Bradbury  

:   :   :

... Happy weekend to you,


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Sunday, 17 August 2014

Abundance of Joy and Peace

I pray that God, the source of all hope, will infuse your lives 
with an abundance of joy and peace in the midst of your faith 
so that your hope will overflow through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13 (The Voice)

Psalm 23, The Lord is My Shepherd

:  :  :

Blessings to your week, 


of Romans 15:13 for you 

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Friday, 15 August 2014

City Views and Fridays finds

Hipstamatic App, Snapseed

It is always nice to find a new biking route and discover new views along the way. 
I have been biking through Christianshavn and along the Citadel Kastellet
I've been admiring the serpentine spire tower of the Church of Our Saviour, a beautiful building in baroque style. The Church of Our Saviour is famous for the tower and the 400 steps, that enables you to climb to the top!

Camera +, Snapseed & VSCOcam

When I moved to Copenhagen for 18 years ago, I enrolled for a course in Danish Culture and History in the university. I still remember the lecture of the Danish monarch Christian IV, who reigned for 59 years, from 1588 to 1648. He is know for the impressive buildings he established during his reign, both in Copenhagen and other parts in Danmark, also in Sweden and Norway. 

Today Christianshavn in central Copenhagen is not only a beautiful place to visit, but also an attractive neighbourhood to live. I find the houseboats being very charming!

Camera+, Snapseed, TangledFx, Mextures & PhotoFusion

As I was biking, I noticed also very colourful tree trunk. As I got closer, I could see that it was decorated with pretty, crocheted squares!  That creative find - the decorated oak  - inspired me to find my crochet needle ... 

Camera+, Mextures, Snapseed

... And now there is a dishcloth in making. 

What has caught your attention this week?

... Wishing you a nice Friday and a splendid weekend,


Monday, 11 August 2014

Moments of Happiness

After warm summer holidays, it is time to pick up the daily routines. Our boys are back at school, today being their first day at school after the vacation. I have started at a new workplace, where I have received a warm welcome and gotten a bunch of great colleagues - And moreover, I am able to bicycle to work each day!

I hope you have enjoyed the guest posts while I have been away from the blog - I look forward of reading your greetings and popping by on your blog to see, how your summer has been!

And some exciting news in the end - I am being interviewed in Behind the Lens Series at Love That Shot today, where you will learn more about me and my photography.

... Glimpses of sunshine 
unexpected moments of happiness to your day,


Sunday, 10 August 2014

Carry Each Other's Burdens

Help carry each other’s burdens. 
In this way you will follow Christ’s teachings.

Galatians 6:2 (GW)

Come All Ye by Hymns From Nineveh

:  :  :

Blessings to your week, 


of Galatians 6:2 for you 

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{I am away from the blog - this is posted with the help of Bloggers pre-post planner}

Friday, 8 August 2014

Charming DIY by Stephanie from The Enchanting Rose

I am happy to present you Stephanie from The Enchanting Rose - 
Thank you Stephanie for taking time to write a guest post with this charming & pretty DIY tutorial!

I am smitten by Stephanie's creativity and her positive view on life and living - her mild, cheerful spirit shines through her blog posts and the social blog events, she arranges. 

Be inspired by my special blogging friend Stephanie by popping over to The Enchanting Rose!

- - -

A cheery good day to you!
My name is Stephanie and I blog over at
My little place consists of crafts, sewing, recipes, hymns, tea cups, 
and sweet encouragement from the Bible.
It is a great honor to be posting on Nina's blog today.
Nina is a dear blogging friend of mine and she is someone I have come to admire.
Her photography skills leave me speechless and begging for more
and the Biblical encouragement she shares always leaves me refreshed and renewed.

* * * * *

I am looking forward to sharing with you a simple craft that all of us can do :)

I had a few binder clips hanging around and I must admit that I've had these for at least 10 years 
and have never used them - pretty sad that they have sat in a drawer for that long.
I thought instead of holding papers together,
they would be perfect for holding little cards with Scripture written on them.

I like having verses out in my home where I can constantly see God's Words
so this seemed like the perfect solution for the long-forgotten paper clips.
They would also work for holding pictures, recipe cards, etc. . .

Items Needed:
binder clips
Washi tape or fabric tape
embellishments - pearls, rhinestones, etc

Apply a piece of Washi or fabric tape to the binder clip
and then trim the edges.
Fold the excess tape onto the bottom.

Add the desired embellishments for pretty decoration.

Then, write out Scripture verses or encouraging quotes onto some lovely paper
and voila! You're all done :)

Scatter the Scripture around the home or office space
for blessed encouragement throughout the day.

My heartfelt thanks to sweet Nina for allowing me to share on her delightful blog.
Many blessings to you, lovely lady.

I always enjoy meeting new people so feel free to drop by 

{PS. I am away from the blog - this is posted with the help of Bloggers pre-post planner}

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Create a Natural Spotlight with Photo Veils {Photo Recipe}

My dear friend, who loves vintage and makes fantastic finds in flee markets, has moved to an older farming house to the province with her family. I photographed her beautiful home when visiting her for the very first time - a series of images I thought of giving to her as a special present - encouraging her to follow her dream of becoming an interior decorator. 

My aim with this picture was to highlight the turquoise creamer and to convey the feeling of being in a cozy landscape kitchen. I focused on the creamer, using my 18-55 lens with shutter speed 1/125 and aperture f/7.1 with center-weighted metering. I took the picture from a low angle, and placed the tray with the creamer in between the two vertical lines of the table, to strengthen the depth of field in the photo.

The image straight out of camera was compositionally fine, but I still wished that the creamer would stand out even more. I used two photo veils and a texture from Love That Shot, together with minor adjustments with brightness, in order to create a natural spotlight on the creamer. 

Photo recipe:
  1. I added the Privet photo veil from the Botanical Collection in Adobe Photoshop, using blending mode soft light with 76 % opacity. I like the warm shades this veil adds to the image - deepening the colour of the table in a natural way. I used a soft round brush to remove the veil from the creamer and the tray, and also from the white wall behind the table.
  2. I then chose the lasso tool in Photoshop and created a mask around the milk in the creamer, and increased slightly the brightness. To soften the edge of the layer mask, I sat the feather for the mask around 100 px.
  3. The second photo veil, The Low Spotlight Bottom from the Illumination Collection, with blending mode vivid light 60 %, highlighted the creamer in a delicate way. I brushed the veil away from the white wall in the upper left corner of the image, using soft round brush.
  4. I created a layer mask on the creamer and brightened the turquoise to a hardly noticeable lighter shade.
  5. To deepen the soft, warm feeling in the wooden table and the chairs, I added the Venice texture from the Olde World Collection, using blend mode multiply 33 %. Once again, I brushed the texture away from the tray, creamer and the white wall.
  6. Taking a last look at the photo, I decided to remove the tiny spots of milk next to the bigger milk spot on the creamer. 
Every now and then it is a pleasure to give an extra tweak to lifestyle photos - thereby creating the tiny difference, that will lift your photos from ordinary to something special!

Have you not tried photo veils yet, follow this link to Love That Shot-website, where you can download a FREE sample!

Let's keep on noticing and capturing the moments in our everyday life...

Until next time,


{PS. I am away from the blog - this is posted with the help of Bloggers pre-post planner}

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Way of Peace

By the tender mercy of God,
the dawn from high will break upon us,
to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Luke 1:78-79 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

Whispers of My Father - Perfect Peace by Laura Story with Lyrics

:  :  :

Blessings to your week, 


of Luke 1:78-79 for you 

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{I am away from the blog - this is posted with the help of Bloggers pre-post planner}