Saturday, 15 February 2014

Love, tulips and finds in the nature

Textures 2LO Inner Circle 1 by 2 Lil Owls-Studio and 2811Magic & Love-stamp by Kim Klassen

I've grown up with the Finnish tradition of celebrating the February 14th as a Day of Friendship... and an occasion to bake some sweet little things, off course! This year I baked these delicious cookies grinding sundflower seeds and oat meal, with a heart of rasberry jam in the middle - Boy, were they good! The recipe is found in Green Kitchen Stories. The only adjustment to the original recipe I made was to roll the cookies in shredded coconut.

Besides my husband and the boys, my good friends Birgitta and Dorthe did get some of these cookies - They're Friendship Cookies after all!

The flu is getting better ... So I went to a Zumba Class yesterday with a friend. The music and the motion was great - afterwards I invited her over to dinner (I made chicken burgers - the favorite of our boys :) We had a nice Friday / Friendship Day and Valentine's!

Pictures taken with iPhone 5, the collage with Fuzel-app.

The sun has been showing itself a bit more often, coloring the sky ... I've taken many of the daily snapshots with my iphone from the little walks in the neighborhood.

Pictures taken with iPhone 5, the collage with Fuzel-app.

The project of taking one picture everyday is going well. I often take more than one photo every day, so my iPhone is filled with pictures and needs a caring hand in saving them in folders and delating the double-copies.

Pictures taken with iPhone 5, the collage with Fuzel-app.

Our boys have had winter holidays this week - they're enjoying the possibility of going deep with painting the Warhammer-figures. Today we're going to a shop called Farao's Cigar, that sells painting and other Warhammer things ... That's going to be exciting :)

And - the weekly challenge in Frugal Still Life Photography is about Food Photography ... I feel like baking something with chocolate, do you have a recipe you would recommend?

Have a great weekend,


  1. It's great to catch up with what's going on in your world! Wonderful captures and glad you are over that flu!

  2. Wonderful photos.....and. I love the idea of a day of friendship!

  3. I agree with the idea of celebrating friendship. Wish that was the motivation behind Valentines here in the States.

  4. I like your idea of Friendship Day, and I am glad your are feeling better. The cookies look wonderful I am trying to keep my distance from sweets as much as possible these days as i don't stop easily if I don't. Yesterday wasn't a good day. I have been craving them. Your week ahead with your boys sound like fun and i hope the sun keeps shinning for you. Always love to see your iPhone images.

  5. Your cookies look yummy! I like the Friendship idea also. My daughter always felt awkward in grade school when she had to give a 'Valentine' card to a boy. Your photos are beautiful. My iphone is in need of a little attention also, those pictures start adding up...
    Good to see you are feeling better.

  6. Nina, so glad you are feeling the idea of Friendship day and how sweet to share your cookies and dinner with your friend....I really like the mosaics you created with your iPhone shots. I need to add this app....Have a great week with your sons....

  7. I like the idea of Friendship Day -- takes the pressure off! Thanks for joining in R5F this week Nina xo

  8. I've always thought Valentine's day was a bit much, especially after it became so commercialized. Like the idea of a friendship day. Seems like there would be less pressure. Zumba always cheers me up too.

  9. Glad to hear you are feeling better!

  10. First off, glad you are recuperating from the flu. I would say you are doing quite well with your food shots - I seldom think to take any until it is too late. Enjoy your winter break with your boys.

  11. Oh, Nina - I just love your i phone collages! The photographic quality of those phones simply astounds me, and I love seeing the beauty in the world around you.
    I also really like the idea of celebrating "Friendship Day." Your friends are all lucky to have you - even though we're oceans apart & have not met in person, I count myself among them! You share so much warmth.

  12. I love the Finnish tradition of celebrating the February 14th as a Day of Friendship. Your Friendship cookies are looking yummie and oh those Iphone collages are just to die for. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

  13. Well Nina, I love the idea of Friendship Day, too! I'm going to visit with some friends this afternoon, and I will bake cookies to take in your honor! Lovely post! Aloha

  14. What a wonderful way to celebrate February 14th, I've never heard of it but it sounds fun. Your cookie makes my mouth water ... yumm! And of course I love your collages!

  15. Hi Nina! We had a really nice Valentine's Day. And of course, we watched the Olympics :)
    What a great challenge, to take a photo a day. I bet that's something you'd really want to do anyway!

    The cookie looks so good, and made with love, for friends and family. What could be better than that? It looks like a Christmas cookie my Mom used to make. So special!
    Happy painting for your boys...they have their mother's artist genes, don't they?

  16. Hi Nina, glad you are on the mend and I love your softly focused photos- they are very lovely. xo Karen


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