Monday, 16 September 2013

On flowers, hope and friendship


"I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck."
  Emma Goldman

"Where flowers bloom so does hope."
 Lady Bird Johnson

... My friend is moving -
I'm happy for her and her familys new adventure,
but at the same time I will miss her.
Our walks in the neighborhood,
the moments in her garden,
the shared life together:
Ups and downs,
laughter, tears and prayers
- Always with a cup of tea!
At the same time I know,
that we'll keep seing one another -
there will be walks in a her neighborhood.
Life shared is life cherished:
The moments shared are hidden in our hearts.
So long as the memory of certain beloved friends
lives in my heart,
I shall say that life is good.
Helen Keller
Sunshine to your week,
Sharing with

Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday
Nancy Clayes' Tuesday Muse
I have used here textures Sienna& Mixed by Kim Klassen and Brushes by French Kiss


  1. I will be going through the same thing in the near future...hard. Lovely words...

  2. So nicely textured photos.
    It's sad for me when a friend moves away...however, true friendship stays with us forever.

  3. Hi Nina! Oh, I am so sorry that you will be losing a good friend. It is true that friends remain in our hearts, but it hurts too. I hope you will stay in contact.

    I love the quote about flowers blooming and hope...maybe that's why I like them so much?
    Peace my friend!

  4. Beautiful, sweet Nina! I know you will miss your friend - it's always so hard to lose a good friend, but true friendships will last even long distance :)

    Hugs to you!

  5. Friends are such a ablessing! Sure you will miss her, but friendships can still be pretty vital even miles apart. It is so much easier today too with all of the communication that is possible.

  6. Beautiful edits....It sounds like this is a very special friend and because of that I am sure you both will make the effort to still see each other....And then there's always the computer....

  7. The rose is breathtaking, simply wonderful

  8. Your words and the textured photos evoke nostalgia.

  9. Beautiful thoughts Nina. Friends are only a phone call away.

  10. Beautiful photos and quotes!

  11. Changes like this are difficult -- one must work to keep relationships close. I think you and your friend will do that. :)

  12. These are beautiful pictures. Hope your friend's move goes well.

  13. Wonderful pictures and texture work, Nina !
    Beautiful words about your friend ...
    Nice week,

  14. I so love your colors! Beautiful peony! I had a photography friend move away this summer. Fortunately her in-laws still live here. So she'll be back.

  15. Lovely photos and poem for your friend. The first photo is especially charming.

  16. I went through this with my best friend several years ago. It is hard, but we still stay in touch. Your photos are beautiful!


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