Saturday, 6 July 2013

Mindful Mornings

The boys have been sleeping in, so I have enjoyed my morning tea in quietness and solitude this week... cherishing the sunlight and the bird song.
The other day I made almond milk for the first time ever - pressing the almond milk from the pulp succeeded with the help of a colander and a cotton cloth.

The left over almond pulp tastes good with yogurt. I added some banana, cinnamon, Vanilla and s bit stevia, and baked almond cookies from the rest of the pulp - they were Delicious!
The mindful mornings have brightened up the week - even if I'm still working another two weeks before the summer holidays, the slow mornings gives me the holiday mood all ready!
Sunshine and mindful moments to your weekend,
Sharing with
Friday Photo Journal


  1. wow you make almond milk, we just buy ours.

    I wish my guy would sleep in...Happy Saturday Sharefest.

    1. Hi Karen,
      Your sweet Little Fellow will starts sleeping in ... in 10 years or so ... I know - Patience! Lovely Pictures of him biking :)

  2. Beautiful photos that truly capture the wonder of mornings :) I visited from the Saturday Sharefest.
    Have a great weekend,

    1. Hi Joanne,
      Thank you for taking time to leave a note!
      Such a lovely prayer on your latest post ...
      Sunshine to your Sunday!

  3. I also treasure the quiet of the early morning and my coffee before my kids wake up. Great pics. {visiting from SITS}

  4. Oh Nina, these photos are beautiful and make me wish I were more of a morning person. Sadly, I just can't seem to do it! Wishing you a great weekend xoxox

  5. How nice visiting your serene post this morning, I have coffee with me, and a washed blue sky hanging up outside my window, it's my quiet Saturday morning...:)

    I really enjoying looking through your nice still-life compositions.

    enjoy the rest of your day. Nina

  6. I too love mindful mornings....they really set the day off right. Glad you were able to use the almond pulp for so many useful things!

  7. Slow mornings. That sounds nice.

    And, oh, my heck, those almond adventures sound amazing! Good for you.

    Happy Sharefest. Enjoy those mornings.

  8. I've never heard of making almond milk -- sound delicious Nina!

  9. Hi Nina!! So excited that you wrote back :)

    I didn't get an email about Copenhagen from you...did you use the email box on my blog site? I do get emails from there. That's weird.

    My family and I will be in your city for one day. We are staying at a hotel close to the Tivoli, and have an afternoon to see some sights. My husband had noted that there were some museums close to the hotel, and of course, we HAVE to see the Mermaid. I know that would be a cab-ride. I am kind of interested in the canal rides...where would we do that?

    Thank you for being a tour guide! You can always make a 'comment' on my blog, and I won't publish it? That way I know I'll get the info.


  10. Thank you for the reminder to be more mindful of my mornings.

  11. No matter how busy I am, if I don't have a few minutes to sit and breathe, my whole day is off. Loved sharing your morning with you!

  12. Love the photos! I've yet to make my own nut milk. Enjoy your weekend xo

  13. great photos and post, mindful mornings, hmmmm!

  14. I love the time I,habe before my family wakes up I read some of my favorite blogs while sipping coffee,and I am thinking about yoga to my mornings. Stopping by from #SITSsharefest

  15. I treasure my quiet mornings too, and now my kids are all grown up and left the nest my morning coffee is my most favorite ME-time! I love your Selfie-picture, it radiates contentment.

  16. I too treasure my mornings out on the porch with a nice warm cup and the cat. I always have. good week to you.

  17. All of the almond goodness sounds delicious!
    I am also savoring the mornings of kids sleeping in, bird song.. summer bliss!


Thank you so much for taking time to leave a comment! I read and enjoy them all and I'll do my best to to hop on over to your blog for a visit.