Monday, 17 June 2013

Monday's Moments


These roses are from the garden of my friend ... they have brought the scent of the summer inside. I longed for a moment outside when I was driving home from work - so I walked to the store to get some bread, tomatos etc. for the lunchpacks tomorrow.

The scent of the Yasmin flowers accompanied the first part of my way - I chose the bright side of the road to feel the sun. I could hear the birds and I met a few smiling people on my way...

... I bought a popsicle and enjoyed it on my way back - feeling the warm summer breeze on my toes, hearing the sound of clip-claps echoing...

The stressed day and journals to be written at work were far away
- Just sensing the present moment, blue sky and the taste of the popsicle ...

Act as if
what you do
makes a difference.
It does.
William James

A walk outside is something I need - every day!

Texture Coffee Break from the lovely collection of Nancy Clayes

Sharing with
Nancy's Tuesday Muse
Sweet Shot Tuesday
Inspired Tueday


  1. Beautiful... out standing and stunning color...

  2. My favorite flower! Great pictures, so beautiful post!

    Zina (

  3. Beautiful rose, love the color. Thanks for this enjoyable and lovely post!

  4. The color of these is just scrumptious!...:)JP

  5. Wow, it is a beautiful color! Love it.

  6. Reminds me of a rose I used to have in a garden from long ago. Beautiful Nina. xo

  7. stunning! and popsicles are a quick way to put the spirit of summer inside you!

  8. One does not often see a rose this color. It is a beauty!

  9. Gorgeous images of the roses, but your walk also creates such a perfectly satisfying and lovely image in my mind!

  10. What a beautiful rose. Your walk sounds like the perfect way to end a stressful day - it's such an easy thing to do, and yet I so rarely do. You described it beautifully, I almost felt as though I was walking along, also.


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