Friday, 8 March 2013

Spring is in the air

The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
You know how it is with an April day
When the sun is out and the wind is still,
You're one month on in the middle of May.

But if you so much as dare to speak,
A cloud comes over the sunlit arch,
A wind comes off a frozen peak,
And you're two months back in the middle of March.

The sun has been gracious this week - spring is in the air! I was priviledged to visit a "forest kindergarten" this week - the sun rays caressed my cheeks as I bicycled the rest of the narrow road to the old farm.

I took these snapshots along the way ...
A scrumped red berry hang all alone in the bush - it has survived the frost and the snow, without being eaten by the birds og squirrels ...
The ice on the lake is smelting, there's only a few spots of snow here and there under the trees...

The spring awakens my desire to be creative - to craft with bright, colorful papers and materials to bring about a new breath of life inside the house as well.

I look forward of crafting some small Easter decorations this weekend ...
Hopefully a walk at the Bernstroff Palace Gardens - maybe to find some more buds in the bushes and trees?!

A warm welcome to my new blogger friend & follower Crystal!

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  1. Just found you and love your blog! New follower from Germany!

    1. Hi Dana,
      Thanks, I popped over to yours and fell for the positive and cheer attitude in your posts - so I followed you back :)

  2. What lovely photos...and the Robert Frost poem is perfect to go along with them. Beautiful!

    1. Hi Sherri, Thank you! Your poem is so beautiful "... melancholy is the name of my winter flower ...", and so is the editing of your photo! I tried to leave a comment under your post but something went wrong - I'll try a new abit later :)

  3. Lucky you! We haven't reached that stage yet. Still about 4 feet of snow on the ground with more to come tomorrow. Enjoy your crafting and enjoy some of that nice weather for me!

    1. Hi Debbie ~ Small snowflakes are falling down softly as I write, sun is still shining but it's cold again ... These changes in weather is a part of spring :) Have a great Sunday!

  4. I love your term "forest kindergarden" and so glad your spring is emerging....We too are beginning to see little signs and it's wonderful....

    The editing of your shots is awesome....

    1. Thank you, Nancy ... The new meme, you're a part of, sounds very creative and exciting, I'll try and join that one too!

  5. New follower from Friendship Friday!
    Wish I could see spring here!

    1. Hi Tess! I popped by your blog and found a bunch of valuable tips on photography - so nice to find tutorials and tips on light!

  6. I love that poem, and for some reason, that last image really speaks to me! Welcome Spring!

    1. Thank you so much ... The first buds in the spring somehow are fragile, at the same time containing the possibilities and all that it takes to develop and grow ...I'm also fond of Robert Frost's poems ... there's something about them!

  7. I've never heard that quote from Robert Frost - but so true. Great glimpses into your neck of the woods coming into Spring season.

    1. Thank you Nicki! I agree, Robert Frosts poems convey the moments in a very special way, he's got many good poems and quotes.

  8. Great poem. We too had warmer temps but a frigid breeze yesterday. I did hear the temps will be warmer today and the sun will be shining. I must get out with the camera today!

    1. Thank you Tracey! You surely have captured beautiful images ... The wall decoration, the bottles and the entry to the creative boutique ... I enjoyed them!

  9. Hi jenny, Thanks for the invite! I found your inspiring blog and I'll join next week - added you and Google+ and Twitter :)


Thank you so much for taking time to leave a comment! I read and enjoy them all and I'll do my best to to hop on over to your blog for a visit.