Friday, 1 March 2013

Friday thoughts - on how to sign a photo

I found fresh blueberries from the store yesterday - it was a treat of a breakfast we had this morning -
yogurt and blueberries!

I rolled also a few croissants from a prepared dough, with little chocolate inside
- It's Friday, after all ...

Now after work a cup of tea and settling down - there's this special, cozy feeling on Fridays ...

This week I've been selecting some photographies in the evenings, to a exhibition at the Town Hall. A friend and colleque of mine is the chairman of the Art Association in the commune where I work, and she asked if I could be a part of their next exhibition.

"Me?! - My photos?!" - I was somewhat surprised when she asked me in January ... Would my photos be good enough to be a part of an exhibition at the Town Hall? It's still a bit unreal thought, but as the process is going forward, I'm happy and honored to be asked - and also very ecxited.

I'm looking for some frames now and thinking about how to sign the photos ... maybe in the right lower corner of the cardboard frame, that is, under the glass.

I'm wondering if I should use a pencil or ink ... if I should write my initials or my whole name?

There's more to think and consider, than I thought ... but it's fun and challenging at the same time.

We´ll see ... Now it's a moment of enjoying the tea - and getting ready to hair dressers. Even if it is just a regular cut - an inch or two - I enjoy it every time. Our younges son needs also a hair cut ... 
Well, a bunch of fragmented thoughts on a Friday. I still ponder about signing the photos / the cardboard frame... All ideas and tips are very welcome - I have a great inexperience when it comes to signing photos!

A warm welcome our newest follower, Maria!
Linking to:

Aloha Friday Blog Hop
Weekly Top Shot #72


  1. I have no experience of how best to sign your images, unfortunately. I suspect it's a case of what suits you so perhaps you can experiment until you feel confident you've found the right way for you.

    Am loving those home-made chococlate croissants...! And that blueberry photograph :)

    1. Hi Michele, I didn't think about the nedd for signing them before my colleque pointed that out for me .. so I think you're right, I need to try what feels right for me. I love croissants as well - a lovely and easy treat :)

  2. I can't help you sorry :) I love the blueberries, I just made blueberry pie...YUM!

    1. Your blueberry-pie brings me right back to my grandmom's kitchen - thanks for writing the recipe and bringing all the lovely memories back ... she served it with vanilla custard - I feel like baking it allready!

  3. Bravo on getting to exhibit some of your work. I would personally sign my full name (after struggling with this topic for years on just posting on the internet, but in real life - for sure I would use my full name). Pencil, ink, either way, I'm sure you'll figure it out.

    Let us know how it goes.
    hair appointments always feel good. I went short my last visit and I am crazy about it. My husband, not as much based on the hints at 'now that's a nice length' from a TV show. We'll see.

    1. Thanks Nicki, signing full name makes sense to me as well - I'm trying different things and see what I end up with. Shorter hair towards summer sounds lovely and light!

  4. I love blue berries in my yoghurt too and I've been told that they are the cure for Winter blues ;)

    Have a wonderful weekend,

    1. Hi Barbara, A lovely way to cure the winter blues! Blueberries are said to be good for the elasticity on your skin as well, containing antioxidants. And above all - they taste delicious :)

  5. I have wondered this same thing about signing photos! I think on the mat board, and I often see this in pencil, but I think a good quality very fine point black ink would be ok, too.
    Congrats to you!
    Enjoyed these photo & tidbits.

    1. Hi Amanda, the pencil on the mat board feels like a good and subtle way of signing ... I'm trying & see what feels right. I enjoyed your Fact Friday and left a note to you there :)

  6. Hi, Thank you for writing the address ... I found your sweet blog and followed you back :)

  7. Congratulations, that's quite an honour and a new experience. Your first photo catching my attention and my dreams. I have frozen (thawed) blueberries with yoghurt for breakfast too but they don't look as good as this.

    1. Thank you, it is all new and yet a bot unreal, and I feel very honored! The blueberries taste to goos both freah and frozen ... yum!

  8. Preparing your photos for an exhibit must be very exciting - congratulations. I can't help you on the signature part, but you're very creative, so I know you'll make it awesome. Your fresh blueberries and chocolate pastry are making me fell hungry!

    1. Thank you Karen! I'll try different options and see how it goes ... And yes, blueberries tickles always my tastebuds as well ;)

  9. Congratulations to you! That is far as how to sign them, that's an area where I have no expertise. But I'm sure you'll get it all figured out. By the way, your photos are DEFINITELY worthy of being featured in an art show - they're all truly beautiful. :)

    Those croissants look do the blueberries!

    1. Thank you Sherri ... I'll write later on how I did manage with the signature - Now I've got the frames ... The process is going forward, little by little :)

  10. Congrats on up coming exhibit ~ Signing ~ When I exhibit, I have been told to sign the back ~ or lower right hand corner in white ink if on photo or pencil on matte ~ google it and see what the 'pros' have to offer ^_^

    1. Thanks so much for your tip, Carol! Signing back didnøt come to my mind at all - that's a good thing to do in all circumstances - I'll google more...

  11. Congratulations...How exciting!! Your photography deserves to be showed off! :-)

    1. Thank you so much! It is ecxiting . hope everything goes well :)

  12. Wow! Congratulations on being asked to be a part of this exhibit! What fun that will be , and of course your photos are "good enough". Your blueberries look yummy with the yogurt. Interesting second shot here and was wondering what sort of lens you used for this.... was it a lensbaby?

    1. Thank you Jeanne! The 2nd photo was actually "an accident" - I was about to sharpen it a bit in the Picmonkey-program, and the pc was slow ... So I had hitten an effect button that focuses in the middle, it is called "Focal Zoom" - and I thought it actually was fine, so I saved it ;)

  13. That's great to be included in an exhibit♫♪ As long as the name is legible I would think you are set. My Top Shot effort:

    1. Thanks so much :) I visited your blog and liked a lot your photos of the sun watch - and I didnøt see the leaf until you pointed that out ;)

  14. YUM, that looks delicious. Love the photos, very creative!


  15. I happen to sign the photo in a lower corner with an archival quality pen but I have seen it done both ways. Best wishes to you and congrats!

    1. Thank you so much for the tip! - I'll try a thin archival pen and see how it goes

  16. Thank you for coming by sharing your creative photography on Weekly Top Shot #72!

    1. Thank you Madge for hosting the Weekly Top Shot!

  17. I simply love fresh blueberries! And that pastry looks delicious too. Meanwhile, I have been wondering the same thing about signing photographs.

  18. I agree - there's something about the fresh blueberries! I'll post later on how I managed to sign the photos ... the pencil on a board or an archival quality pen sounds good.


Thank you so much for taking time to leave a comment! I read and enjoy them all and I'll do my best to to hop on over to your blog for a visit.