Sunday, 30 September 2012

A Gift Box of Cardboard DIY

I made three small gift boxes of thin cardboard in the afternoon. Our youngest son has been invited to a "triple-birthday party": Three girls from his class are holding a birthday party for the whole class. The birthday started today at 5 pm and is ending tomorrow at 10:30 am. The party is held by the parents to the girls (6 Adults) in a youth club facilities.

I found these cute mini-purse-shaped lip glosses as gifts, and I made the cardboard gift boxes to them. A couple of years ago our youngest was still willing to be a part of crafting cards etc. to birthdays, but now he is more interested in painting Warhammer figures. Crafting these boxes was fun and relaxing - I folded them in our living room, chatting with my husband - with a cup of tea, off course!

I started by folding to pieces of thin cardboard, making the top and the bottom of the box. The cardboard for the bottom be about 5 mm smaller in all sides, so that it fits inside the top.

Finally, I glued a piece of colored cardboard, both inside the bottom-part, and on the top of the box. This beautiful triangle-board is a print from Bonnie from Going Home to Roost-blog. Bonnie has designed this, and other lovely prints, which I receive in PDF format, being a member of the Roost Tribe. I'll post soon a bit more about the Roost tribe - a wonderful opportunity to get lovely creative and healthy input every Friday!

The boxes were just the right size for the lip glosses. I used embroidery thread as a ribbon.

The Danish flag is used as a decoration at birthdays, as well as at feasts and public holidays. We met the first Danish flags at the club staircase. This magnificent graffiti decorated the youth club entrance.

Our son was wearing a suit - "A Black Tie" was mentioned in the invitation.  A long table was decorated to a fine dinner. Our son was busy admiring the huge aquarium and watching a friend play a rally game, so he barely had time to say goodbye - I'm sure that the children are having a great birthday party today - Tomorrow we'll get a happy but tired boy home :-)


  1. I love seeing the pattern from Roost Tribe in action! The gift packaging you did looks great!!

    1. Thank you :-) I like the desings and all the other lovely things from the Roost Tribe!


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