Sunday, 29 June 2014

Enchange Your Mobile Photos with Photo Veils {Photo Recipe}

The warm summer days have arrived ... The familiar landscape is dressed in green shades. The weather has been unstable this week, changing from sunshine to rain and thunder, even hail - I have enjoyed photographing the marvellous and massive clouds, that are being formed above the open landscape.

I'm so excited to share with you great news: 6 lovely photo veils and 6 textures from Love That Shot are now available as a mobile collection. Each veil and texture is available in 3 formats: Horizontal, vertical and square. 

I carry my iPhone with me and use it as a camera, capturing moments and scenes along my way. Having the photo veils directly on my iPhone makes it both easy and fun to add and share the pictures directly from my iPhone. 

I have added two photo veils to the image above, using  the Image Blender-App. The image Blender-App is an application that enables you to do merge two or more photos together. 

You can add layers on your photo and use 18 different blending modes - soft light blending mode included - my favorite blending mode when using texture layers and photo veils. Image Blender-App has also a mask function, whereby you can brush some parts of the texture / veil from your image. 

Photo recipe:
  • I started with adding the Honey Wheat mobile veil with the Image Blender app, using blending mode soft ligt with 59% opacity.
  • Therafter I added  the Chamomille mobile veil. I masked the veil, brushing the veil-layer away from the clouds, to sustain the pure, white tones in the clouds. Thereafter I changed the blending mode to multiply, with 50 % opacity.
Photo veils add a natural depth and vignette in your photos. Having them available on mobile devices makes it so easy to use them on the daily photos - editing and sharing directly from your mobile phone or tablet!

It's nice to make delicate enchangements to the summer photos on the go with the Mobile Veils & Textures - Thanks so much Misty and Michelle, the founders of Love That Shot, for making the Mobile Collection!

Until next time, 

PS: Have you checked my tips for Capturing the Holidays and Making the Memories Last in my latest article on Love That Shot-blog?

A wide path for my feet

You have made a wide path for my feet 
to keep them from slipping.
Psalm 18:36 New Living Translation
I Can Do All Things by Scripture Lullabies
:  :  :

Blessings to your week, 


Here's a printable
of Psalm 18:36 for you

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Photo: iPhone 5, Picture+ & Snapseed Apps, 
Photo Veils Pohutukawa, Honey Wheat and Bells of Ireland from the Botanical Collection  by Love That Shot 

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Focal Lab {App Happy Wednesday}

Focal Lab is a nice app which allows you to create different graduated blur-effects to your photos. You can select the sharp area in the photo by touching the screen, whereafter you can adjust the strenght of the effect. Focal Lab has 4 types of blur effects: Dreamy Blur, Soft Focus, Zoom Blur and Motion Blur.

I have used the Zoom Blur-effect to the dandelion photo above. The center of the flower is sharp and in focus, and the light Zoom Blur-effect gives an intensive and dynamic feeling to the photo.

My favorite might be the Motion Blur-effect, that gives the daisy below a feeling like it is swaying lightly in the wind.

I have discovered this app recently, and I'm looking forward of playing with the possibilities it gives - layering the effects with Image Blender eller Filterstorm might make fun "slow-motion"-like photos?!

What is your favorite app at the moment - Come and share your photos and tips at Barb's App Happy Wednesday:

App Happy Wednesday


Sunday, 22 June 2014

A gentle whisper

 “Go out and stand before me on the mountain,” the Lord told him. 
And as Elijah stood there, the Lord passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. 
It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the Lord was not in the wind. 
After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 
And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. 
And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper.

1. Kings 19:11-12

God Whispers by Jennjen13

:   :  :

Blessings to your week, 


Here's a printable
of 1. Kings 19:11-12 for you

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Photo: iPhone 5, Picture+ & Snapseed Apps, 
Textures Muddding by Kim Klassen, Tableaux_OldStyle by FrenchKiss &  Art Canvas 6 by Roxi Hardegree

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Nature {Texture Tuesday}

Photo: iPhone 5 with Olloclip-lens, texture: the Letter by Kim Klassen

The silence of a flower:
a kind of silence which be continually evade,
of which we find only the shadow in dreams.

Lewis Thompson

:  :  :

A warm June evening in the florest - a soft breeze from the lake 
caressing the flowers,  as the night falls...

I close my eyes and
feel the warmth from the last rays of sun on my face.

... Enjoying the Midsommer Moments,


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Texture Tuesday - Kim Klassen

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Show me the right path

Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow.  
Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me.  
All day long I put my hope in you. 

Psalm 25:4-5 New Living Translation

Power of Your Love by Oslo Gospel Choir

:   :  :

Blessings to your week, 


Here's a printable
of Psalm 25:4 for you

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Photo: iPhone 5, Picture+ & Snapseed Apps, 
Textures Inner Circle 3 by 2 Lil Owls Studio & Art Canvas 3 by Roxi Hardegree

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Hipstamatic {App Happy Wednesday}

Hipstamatic: Chivas lens & Estrada 83 film

In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures.

For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.

Khalil Gibran

Hipstamatic: G2 lens & Ina's 1935 film

Hipstamatic iPhone application has many different lenses and films, you can combine. The fun thing about this app is that you need to choose the  lens - film-combination before you take the picture - and you'll see the result first afterwards... just like in the old days.

Once a month there will be a new Hipstamatic  lens & film - combination available at Hipstamatic store, the Jalisco Hipsta Pac being the latest.The Chivas lens has a strong contrast, and the Estrada film is grainy and has an old film feel over it, with a charming frame (the upper photo).

In the lower picture I have used G2 lens, that gives vibrant, vintage-like tones, together with Ina's 1935 lens, that has a clean, white frame.

My favourite Hiptamatic combinations are Doris lens and Sussex film, which when combined together, give clear, bluish tones, with a nice, vintage-like frame.

Another Hipsta-favorite of mine is the Dream Canvas film, that has a lovely texture and painterly frame.

Hipstamatic has a fun function, where it finds a random lens - film-combination, when you shake your iPhone. The only disadvantage of the app is that it is available only for IOs devices.

... Wishing you a nice (an App :)  Happy Wednesday,

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Keeping With The Times

Sunday, 8 June 2014

You're not Alone

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, 
whom the Father will send in my name, 
will teach you all things and 
will remind you of everything I have said to you.
John 14:26

Lord I Need You by Passion Band

:   :  :

Blessings to your week, 


Here's printable
of John 14:26 for you

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Saturday, 7 June 2014


A long weekend and some quiet time - I feel like the flower in the image above: Laying down and resting, enjoying the sunshine and letting go off my thoughts ...

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, 
listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, 
is by no means a waste of time.
John Lubbock

Light is this weeks theme in Kim Klassens class Be Still 52. The morning light falls softly to our kitchen... I hang a table cloth as a back drop behind a low table with a white, linen cloth, where I layed the flower. I added Oldendays-Lightroom preset by Kim Klassen, together with Roxi Hardegree's Scriptured Overlayer 02, to the flower image.

To get a dreamy look and shallow depth of field to the bowl and the flower above, I selected f/stop 8 and used spot metering. I added Kim's Lightroom preset Oldendays, together with her Waterfront 1-texture.

To the image above I have added Kim's Melancholy-preset and the Waterfront 1-texture. 
The preset gives a bit hazy effect with lilac shades.

iPhone 5
As I was taking the table cloth down, I noticed how the shadow created a nice frame around the flower - so I took a quick snapshot with my iPhone.

... May the spots of sunshine find you this weekend,


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Wednesday, 4 June 2014

A Virtual Blog Hop - Welcome


My friend Diana from the Studio 56 invited me to participate to a virtual blog hop together with other artists and photographers. The idea is to answer the same questions, and link up to each other... I heartly welcome you to this blog tour! 

Diana is a talented photographer - I admire her great portraits and still life photos. Be sure to read Diana's post on what inspires her and makes her phtography special.

1. What am I working on?
At the moment I am inspired by an unhurried life. I chose unhurried as my word for 2014. So in that sense the focus in my photography has been to capture the peaceful, still moments in my daily life. Noticing the small things, that might otherwise go unnoticed ... Where the sunlight falls beautifully through flower petals, the highlights of the texture in the fall ... feeling a wind softly caressing my cheek when walking outside.
I hope to convey tiny bits of these moment in my photography. 

For the first time ever, I am taking one picture every day through 2014, inspired by friends in the creative team at Love That Shot. I am taking the daily pictures mostly with my iPhone - to make it easy and practical. I have noticed that even with the camera in my iphone, I have been able to capture the light, feeling, and the slow life. You'll find my daily pictures on Instagram.

At the same time, I am learning to master my DSLR camera, which I have had almost a year now. I am taking pictures now in a manual mode, learning a whole lot of aperture, ISO, light metering etc. I have found great help from the Snapshot to Photograph Workshop by Love That Shot.

2. How does my work differ from other of its genre?
Seeing oneself from outside is an ability, that is under ongoing development ... Well, maybe one thing I recognize in my photography is that I tend to picture things from different perspectives, like from up, below and from the sides. 
My love for nature is seen also in the photos I take, nature photography being one of the areas I would like to develope in the future. 

3. Why do i create what I do?
The interest in photography has somewhat arised naturally ... In the photo albums from my childhood you'll find a bunch of photos, where I have intended to "seize the moment#  - in nature or with my family - my mom calls these for "Nina's artistic takes" (smiling). 
Alongside photography, my creative genes include sewing, knitting, crocheting, making cards and aquarells (in the beginner stage). At the moment, photography is my hobby no. 1.

4. How does your creating process work?
Besides walks in the nature, I find different photo courses very inspiring. Joining photo challenges does make me try new things, capture a feeling or a theme, and alongside the process, my creativity finds wings and flies ... 
I enjoy greatly the photo walks alone with my camera - It would be nice to be accompagnied by a kindred spirit ... I am eagerly waiting for when that is going to happen ...

On Monday the 9th June my friend JP from A Quiet Corner will be sharing her post on our Virtual Blog Hop. I am in awe of JP's ability to capture birds - and squirrels and other wild animals ... She has a way of capturing the details of these wonderful creatures in nature. She is able to spot a bird who is nesting, and thereby localize the nest, and follow the process until the little one's are learning to fly - Ain't that amazing! Be sure to pop by A Quiet Corner on Monday!

I hope you have enjoyed the Virtual Blog Hop - with mine and Diana's input ... followed by JP next week!


Sunday, 1 June 2014

Strengthen the Sunlight with Photo Veils {Photo Recipe}

Summer and the life in the Great Outdoors has arrived! The nature is in blossom in the forests and by the lakes. 
We are cherishing the moments in the sun - and I am capturing many of them, making the memories last ... 

I wanted to strenghten the sunlight in the upper right-corner of the photo below using photo veils, and this is how I proceeded:

Photo recipe:
  • I increased slightly the brightness and the contrast of the original image.
  • Thereafter I added the following 3 photo veils:
    • Lemon Glow Right from the Illumination Collection, blending mode soft light with 100 % opacity. 
    • Sunshine 4 - Top Left - Vertical from the Illumination Collection, blending mode soft light with 30 % opacity.
    • Light (a veil that adds a natural vignette to the photo), also from the Illumination Collection, blending mode soft light with 50% opacity. I brushed this veil away from the top-right corner, to sustain the sunlight effect.
Photo Veils from the Illumination Collectiong will add a natural, warm light-effect, strengthening the sunlight in your photos. 

Let's enjoy the moments in the nature and make most of the season for outdoor life 
- capturing these moments as they unfold ...


Container for Blessing

In a well-furnished kitchen there are not only crystal goblets and silver platters, 
but waste cans and compost buckets
—some containers used to serve fine meals, others to take out the garbage. 
Become the kind of container God can use 
to present any and every kind of gift to his guests for their blessing.

2. Timothy 2:20 The Message

Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) - Hillsong United 

:   :  :

Blessings to your week, 


Here's a printable
of 2. Timothy 2:20 for you

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Sunday StillnessThe Sunday Community

Photo: iPhone 5, edited in Paintbrush-App