Tuesday, 31 December 2013

This Year - Written in My Heart

I have taken this photo with Camera+ -App in iPhone 4S, the text with Rhonne Designs App, Softly-texture with the courtesy of Kim Klassen

Some moments pop into my mind as I look back in 2013:
- Sitting in a rowing boat and fishing . . . our youngest son was learning to cast and he caught a mussel - He smiled so proudly! This experience kept him practising until he learned to cast the line until it flew smoothly through the air and swopped perfectly in to the water.
- Preparing my mom's 70 year birthday - the week in Finland with my parents, meeting family and catchin up.
- The valleys of concern and worry for the loved ones, who'se been caught in the middle of challenging circumstances - carrying both these precious people and my worries, giving them to God, who is able and does answer our prayers ... Most of the worry and pain have been transformed to tears of joy and relief - God does work in His time, which never fails!
- The happy moments in everyday life - they're like pearls that lighten our way, small drops of laughter, a smile, someone opening the door, and unexpected greeting ...
:   :   :

I want to share these thoughts with you, as we're about to enter 2014:

My goal for 2014 could be formed as even more peaceful and unhurried everyday life - where there is place to listen and see, feel and notice ... the small and big things taking place in and around us:

Write it on your heart
that every day is the best day in the year.
He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day
who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.

Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt crept in.
Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day;
begin it well and serenely, with too high a spirit
to be cumbered with your old nonsense.

This new day is too dear,
with its hopes and invitations,
to waste a moment on the yesterdays.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
:   :   :
Wishing you a Joyous and Happy New Year,
PS. I have not been very active on the blog-sphere during the holidays, but I look forward of catching up and popping by, very soon!

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Create a touch of vintage to your photos: Photo Recipe


Removing an item from its original surroundings - like picking up this acorn from the forest floor and bringing it inside - and photographing that item isolated in a new setting, brings about a renewed focus and opens up for a fresh perspective.
I photographed the acorn under a direct light from above, creating a narrow and precise shadow under the acorn, thereby underlining its round form. I have taken the picture with my Nikon 3200 camera, using a 18-55 mm lens.
I wanted to create a touch of vintage feeling to this photo, so I selected three textures from the Olde World Collection and the Simplicity Collection from Love That Shot.
Photo Recipe:

1. I have edited this photo in Photoshop CS6 - I started with increasing the contrast of my original photo to 26 and the brightness to 22.
2. I added the Avignon texture from the Olde World Collection, using blending mode soft light with 50 % opacity.
3. My second texture, Palermo, is also found in the Olde World Collection: I used blending mode soft light with 35 % opacity.
4. The last texture Granite, is from the Simplicity Collection. Once again, I used blending mode soft light, this time with 30 % opacity.
The picture below shows the difference between my original photo and the texturized photo. I like the warm and delicate vintage-like feeling, these textures have created.

I like to use some of my photos as post cards. In these occasions I often add a greeting or a short quote to the photo. Ralph Waldo Emersons quote suits well with this little acorn of mine, so I added it to my photo. I selected a dark brown shade from my picture as the color of the text. Finally, I reduced the opacity of the text just a bit to create a soft, dreamy look.

I hope you've enjoyed following along - You'll find more inspiration from Love That Shot's beautiful Photo Texture Collections and  Photo Veil Collections.

Creating vintage-like photos and post cards is a great way to relax, giving a flow to your creativity. And even better - You'll make someone happy when e-mailing or sending your post card ... A joy that's shared is a joy made double!

Wishing you a happy and creative week,


His wonderful works

He causes us to remember his wonderful works.
How gracious and merciful is our Lord!
Psalm 111:4 (New Living Translation)

:  :  :
 Sam Robson: It Is Well With My Soul (Acapella Arrangement)

Blessings to your week, 



:  :  :

Here's a printable
of Psalm 111:4 for you


Sharing with: 
Still Saturday, The Weekend Brew,
Sunday Stillness, The Sunday Community

Textures with the courtesy of Nancy Clayes: Painted Skies 4 and Anna LenabemTexture 168


Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Christmas Greeting


Photo with iPhone, Mextures & PicFx - apps, texture 0212 by Kim Klassen

The shopping street is decorated in pine branches and Christmas lights ... We we shortly in downtown on Saturday, to visit a vintage flea marked called "Episode". The boutique was lovely and inviting. Our niece's Christmas wish is a voucher to Episode.

It is really nice that the younger generation is in for recycle and repurposing! When I stepped out of the boutique, I noticed the pretty mannequin above. I walked slowly along the street, feeling the misty rain falling softly down, enjoying the reflections of the lights in the puddles of water.

Now we have Christmas Holidays. We decorated the Christmas tree yesterday - It is nice just to look at it in the evenings. There is a story, an occasion, a person - connected to many of the Christmas ornaments ... Cherishing these memories popping up.

Photo with iPhone, Rhonna Desings app, texture 0212 by Kim Klassen

 Love came down at Christmas;
Love all lovely, love divine;
 Love was born at Christmas,
Stars and angels gave the sign.
Christina Rossetti
... Wishing you a Merry and Joyous Christmas,
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Sunday, 22 December 2013

When they saw the star...

After listening to the king, they went on their way.
And behold, the start that they had seen when it rose
went before them until it came to rest over the place
where the child was. When they saw the star,
they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.
Matthew 2:9-10

:  :  :

The Christmas Story told by the children of St Paul's Church,
Auckland, New Zealand:

Happy 4th Advent &
Blessings to your week, 



:  :  :

Here's a printable
of Mathhew 2:9-10 for you


Sharing with: 
Still Saturday, The Weekend Brew,
Sunday Stillness, The Sunday Community

I have taken the photo with Iphone using Hipstamatic App.
Then I added the 3 Wise Men in RhonnaDesings-App,
the text with Phonto-App and the "snow"-effect with Afterlight-App.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Tidbits in Candlelight {iPhoneography}

Photo taken with Camera+ and edited in Snapseed, DistressedFx, PicFx and PhotoToaster

I found these pretty hyacints on my desc at the office today - A greeting from "the secret elf". During the month of December everyone is "a secret elf" for someone else. Each elf is to make her / himself known in some way 3 times. It's been nice to make surprises - and  to be surprised!

Photo taken with Camera+.I have added textures 2811 by Kim Klassen and Avignon from Olde World Collection by Love That Shot

Candlelight brings coziness to the dark, wintery mornings...

Camera+, HandyPhoto

... and enlightens the evenings as well. It is often dark outside, both when you go to work and come back from work ... We do need some soft candlelight!

Hipstamatic, Snapseed, Mextures

The tiny oak, next to the Christmas tree on our local town square, has gotten a woolen scarf :)

Camera+, Snapseed

My bicycle tire punctured on Wednesday - so I had to do some extra walking and I got home late. When walking slowly towards the train station, I discovered that the station looks pretty cool with all these lights ... I haven't noticed that when biking! And as I arrived to the station, I met an acquintance, I hadn't talked with for a long time ... we chatted and cathed up in the train. So the punctured tire was not a disaster, after all.

... Have a great weekend,
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Sunday, 15 December 2013

They will walk ...

"... but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31

Oslo Gosper Choir: Open the Eyes of My Heart

Blessings to your week, 



:  :  :

Here's a printable
of Isaiah 40:31 for you


Sharing with: 
Still Saturday, The Weekend Brew,
Sunday Stillness, The Sunday Community

Textures with the courtesy of Nancy Clayes (Scriptured 2 & Scriptured 3) and Love That Shot (Sunshine 2 & 3 from Illumination Collection  and Naples from Olde World Collection)

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

First snow

Friday morning the streets were covered with snow - a pure, white thin carpet over the landscape changed the neighbourhood to a "winter wonderland." On Saturday the sunlight was reflecting on the snow ... and I headed for a Photo Walk in the afternoon. I'm wearing the woolen mittens knitted by a creative friend of mine - they're perfect when taking photos outside - leaving the fingertips "free".

The lake is surrounded by dried burdocks ... As I made my way home, I discovered that I had dozens of them on my mittens, coat and jeans!

The weather has changed now- to rain and mist ... but I've hidden the winter wonderland in my mind and heart ... There's still two weeks to Christmas - Maybe the frost will arrive with some more snow - Who knows?!


PS. I have added textures Cherish / Cherish Scriptured and Cora by Kim Klassen.

Sharing with
Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday  Kent Weakley's Sweet Shot Tuesday
Communal Global Tuesday Around the World 
Emily S. Freeman's Tuesdays Unwrapped 
Rebecca Cooper's Simple Things Sunday  Madge Bloom's Weekly Top Shot

Sunday, 8 December 2013

You are worth more

 Since you are so much more precious to God
than a thousand flocks of sparrows,
and since God knows you in every detail
—down to the number of hairs on your head at this moment
you can be secure and unafraid of any person,
and you have nothing to fear from God either.
Luke 12:7 The Voice

Blessings to your week, 



:  :  :

Here's a printable
of Luke 12:7 for you


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Tuesday, 3 December 2013

The Country of the Heart

Texture Still by Kim Klassen and Avignon from Olde World Collection by Love That Shot

Every First Advent Sunday our family gathers around the dining table, that is filled with branches of pine and juniper, acorns, clay, candles and tiny Christmas balls. We spent the afternoon crafting Christmas Candle decorations, chatting and listening Carols ... not to forget the ginger bread cookies and chocolate treats.

As we sat by the table this Sunday, I was happy that our boys, now teenagers, still wanted to join us. I hope that they'll carry these memories in their hearts, along the moments from our everyday life ... That our family would be the homeland of their hearts, a safe harbour, where they can sat sails, to go and explore the world.

Every December I get a bit nostalgic, seeing how the time passes by ...
You notice it so clearly in your children as they mature and get older!

:  :  : 

... Happy Tuesday to you,
Sharing with

Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday
Kent Weakley's Sweet Shot Tuesday
Communal Global Tuesday Around the World
Emily S. Freeman's Tuesdays Unwrapped

Monday, 2 December 2013

DIY Paper Heart Garland

Paper Heart Garlands are easy to prepare and a nice crafting idea for home decoration.
It took me about 60 minutes to make these 9 paper heart garlands, using materials I  already had at home. I adjusted the lenght of the garlands by varying the number of paper hearts from 3 to 5 hearts / garland.
You will need:
- a heart paper punch
- some paper with print - I used an old school textbook, that is made of strong and slippery paper
- one small bead for each garland 
- white sewing thread
- a needle
- scissors
I proceeded as follows: 
  • I started with punching the hearts. I noticed afterwards that some words were randomly placed in the middle of the heart, like "dilemma" (I used an old textbook from Qualitative Research Methods :-)
  • I then clipped the hearts out with scissors.

  • I fastened the bead to the thread by binding a knot.
  • Then I connected the hearts, one by one, using three double stiches on each heart. I left a space about 4 inches between the hearts.
  • Finally, I bound a loop at the end of the each garland, so I could hang them up.
  • I made 9 garlads in all, three to each window, with different lenghts.

- And that's about it - pretty easy, aint it!

Crafting Paper Heart Garlands is a fine way for repurposing an old book, and for making timeless, wintery decorations.

... with hearty greetings,


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Sunday, 1 December 2013

In My Love

I've loved you the way my Father has loved me.
Make yourselves at home in my love.
John 15:9 The Message
The Blessing by Michael W. Smith

Blessings to your week, 



:  :  :

Here's a printable
of John 15:9 for you


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Monday, 25 November 2013

Using Veils to add Light - Photo Recipe

The Coast Road, also called the Danish Riviera, leads you from Copenhagen to North Sealand. As you drive along, you'll see the sea, the beaches and the small harbours on your right side. When the weather is clear, you can actually see the coastline of Sweden in the horizon. On your left you'll see the pictorescue houses, with parks and forest in between. 
Between the Coast Road and the sea, you'll find small paths you can walk along, from one harbour to another ... 
It is these small paths I seek, when I wish to leave the city behind. The sound of waves and the breeze from the sea will take you to another world, where time ceases to exist: There is just the sea gulls and a few fisherman casting ... Peace and serenity.
When our boys were small, we used to have a picnic on the large park next to the walking path. Now when they're teens, we still come here for a walk every now and then. Furthermore, this path is one of my favourite places for "photo walks" - that is, a special date with just me and my camera (smiling). Well, I actually had a photo walk on the Coast Road this Sunday, where I captured the sea with the foamy waves.

I have used Pixrl Editor, a free online image editor, for enchanging this photo. I started with cropping the photo, cutting off way some of the sky, letting the sea fill about 2/3 of the frame. My focus was on the light reflections on the bridge and on the stormy sea - therefore I left just 1/3 of the frame to the sky.

I chose to enchange this photo with photo veils because I wanted to highlight the wawes in the foreground, and to add more warmth to the light reflections on the bridge. I chose these veils from Simplicity Collection and Illumination Collection at Love That Shot. 

Photo Recipe:

1. I added the Dream veil from Simplicity Collection, using blending mode overlay with 65 % opacity. Using soft brush with 50 % opacity, I removed some of the Dream veil effect from the top of the foamy waves in the foreground.
2. My second veil, Vanilla Twilight, is also from Simplicity Collection : I used blending mode multiply, with 70 % opacity.
3. The last veil, Peach Glow from Illumination Collection, adds a pastel-like light on the waves and on the bridge. I used blending mode overlay with 60 % opacity.

Besides the light effect in the middle of the photo, the veils create a vignette effect, forming a natural frame.

You'll find more beautiful veils that add light effects to your photos from Love That Shot's Photo Veil Collections.

What is your favourite place for "photo walks"?

... Sunshine to your week,


Sunday, 24 November 2013

Therefore will I hope

The Lord is my portion or share, says my living being (my inner self);
therefore will I hope in Him and wait expectantly for Him.

Lamentations 3:24 (Amplified Bible)

Blessings to your week, 



:  :  :

Here's a printable
of Lamentations 3:24 for you


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