Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Shadows are not all darkness

Textures: Aurora Kim Klassen, Jennifer Nancy Clayes, Big Bad Wolf  Love That Shot, Cover Shadowhouse Creations

The thing about shadows is that they're not all darkness.
You need to have light to have shadows.
So just look for it.
Meredith Walters

Regardless the shadow, my neck problems are casting over my life at the moment, I'm  trying to focus my attention on the things on the bright side: Moments when being able to take a walk outside, reading a few pages in a book, having a good rest ... and my sweet, caring family and friends (thank you for all your sweet notes and comments!) 

The unexpected breaks in our everyday life seem to take place when we least expect them, yet they're sharpening the intensity and appreciation of the things, we often take for granted.

Let's cherish the little things this week - the tiny notions that bring a smile on our faces, and the funny coincidences in life,


Sharing with
Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday
Nancy Clayes' Tuesday Muse
Kent Weakley's Sweet Shot Tuesday

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Your grace

But he said to me, 
“My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is made perfect in weakness.
2. Corinthians 12:9
 Your Grace is Sufficient by Shane and Shane

Blessings to your week, 



:  :  :

Here's a printable of
My grace is sufficient - 2. Cor. 12:9
for you

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Friday, 25 October 2013

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly {iPhone Snapshots}

Yes, what a week ...
1. Starting with the Ugly: My neck. That is, my uncontrollable, hypermobile neck vertebrates are slightly in a wrong position, pinching the facial nerve. Ouch.
I'm thankful for the skilfull massage therapist, ice bags and muscle relaxants from our doctor.  

2. The Bad: As I was biking to work from the train station, this massive rain shower was all of a sudden pouring over me ... Luckily I was wearing a rain coat, but my jeans got soaking wet! I had just enough time to try drying my jeans with paper towels before the seminary started. The good is that I haven't caught cold. And, that from now on, I'll remember to pack my rain pants with me!

Edited with Tangled Fx - App.
3. The Good, creative and sweet friend of mine, Gry, makes these beautiful ceramic earrings! I got these red ones as a gift from her. Gry's design could be characterized as a timeless, jazzy Scandinavian style with a twist of vintage and modernity.
I realized that there only is 2 months to Christmas, and I got an idea to give some earrings as Christmas gifts - handmade jewellery art would be a lovely gift (and grateful to be send via air mail).
Edited with Glaze and Distressed Fx Apps
4. This pretty house was the location for the last course module at work. It was nice to talk with colleques and discuss different cases, being inspired by the teaching and one another.
5. Cancer Awareness - week in Denmark: It is comforting to learn about the results in cancer research, about new and better treatment possibilities ... with focus on our fellowmen suffering from cancer, on their relatives and network.
... These were my random 5
- both the good, bad and the ugly -
Hoping you'll have a peaceful weekend,
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Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Woolen dreams

Textures Mixed by Kim Klassen & Coffee Creak by Nancy Clayes

Only a few rows and my woolen tube scarf is ready ... This knitwork has been lying in the bottom of my yarn basket since April, so I picked it up again this weekend. 

Mornings are getting cold - a cotton scarf is not warm enough anymore. I look forward of wearing this tube scarf: The  deep blue yarn is a blend of wool and silk, and the light yarn is mohair... making the scarf both  soft and airy.

I knitted two of these as Christmas presents last winter, they're easy and rather fast to knit. Maybe an inspiration for you to a homemade present?

Water for tea is boiling, and my knitwork is waiting...

Until next time,

Sharing with

Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday
Nancy Clayes' Tuesday Muse
Kent Weakley's Sweet Shot Tuesday
Communal Global Tuesday Around the World

Sunday, 20 October 2013

A Blessing to You

Texture Jennifer with the courtesy of Nancy Clayes

The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26

:  :  :
Scripture Lullabies: Still Small Voice

Blessings to your week, 



:  :  :

Here's a printable of
The Lord Bless You - Numbers 6:24-26
for you

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Saturday, 19 October 2013

Orange / Fiery {Nurture Photography}

“I often sit and watch the the leaves change colour and fall from the tree.
To me, those leaves signify the constant change in our own lives and
all the beautiful colours signify our own emotions.
As the leaves, change and fall from the tree's with such grace and gentleness,

 they're reminding us to be gentle with ourselves as this chapter ends and
the next journey begins in our lives."
Annelee Hopkins

Embracing October -
with all it's colors, sunshine and storms,


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Friday, 18 October 2013

Fall Break {iPhone snapshots}


Our younger son got a new bike recently, so we've been biking quite a bit this week. I took this snapshot while I was biking with a very slow speed - in order to capture some motion to the picture. My tempo was though  slower compared to the younger generation - maybe also because I enjoyed watching the colors in the forest as much as I enjoyed biking :)

This lovely dog is just so sweet and playful - that is, when he is not keeping an eye on the ducks!  I'm so happy everytime I get to go for a walk with my friend and her dog Anton!

The lake is peaceful, and we have a certain bench with a view, where we like to enjoy our "coffee to go" - Thermos mugs are such a handy invention!

I've enjoyed my tea in the morning accompanied by a good book, while the boys and my husband have slept in ...

... and it's Friday already! This fall break has gone fast - at the same time it's been great to relax without any big plans.

There's been time for baking and experimenting in the kitchen : I tried making granola with almonds and cranberries, which turned out to be delicious!

Happy weekend to you,

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Flags in the Wind {Editing process- tutorial}

Astound me with love
A part of nature in me
Being my strong wind
Be My Strong Wind by Patrice Brown

 :   :   :
These flags in the wind caught my eyes the other day,
as I walked to this kindergarten  that belongs to my district at work.
The sunlight  and the wind changed these flags to a vivid, living mosaic,
as the leaves in the trees were casting shadows on them.
I grabbed my iPhone and took a snapshot ...
:  :  :

I admire the beautifully edited photos on the blogs I regularly visit, being curious about the textures used to enchange the pictures.
Inspired by this curiosity of mine I decided to share here my proces of editing the flags in the wind-photo.

My editing process:
  • I started with cropping the photo, removing the roof from the lower right corner, yet maintainin the square form of the photo.
  • I adjusted the light, contrast, higlight and shadows in PicMonkey (a free photo editing program), and added the textures of Kim Klassen and French Kiss Textures with the same program. Using Multiple Blend Mode, and fading the visibility of the textures down 80-90 %, adding just a soft touch of the textures.
  • I brushed the textures from the flags with a brush strenght 80 %, making the flags stand out, yet with a slight feeling of the textures.
  • Thereafter I added the brush from FrenchKiss using the Overlay-function in PicMonkey. I changed the color of the script to a soft Bbown color, and made it less visible with the fade function.
  • In the end I added just an inch of soft light using Pixrl Express, by choosing Jessica from the Soft Effect (just about 5 % to give the photo a warm glow).

:   :   :
We're having Fall Break this week -
I'm enjoying these cozy days with the family,
walks in the nature, and just being ...
Sunshine to your week,

Sharing with

Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday
Nancy Clayes' Tuesday Muse
Kent Weakley's Sweet Shot Tuesday


Sunday, 13 October 2013

In Hope

Texture by Anna Lenabem
For those who are broken down, God is near. 
He raises them up in hope.
Psalm 145:14 The Voice

Your Faithfulness by Brian Doerksen

Blessings to your Sunday,


:  :  :

Here's a printable

of Psalm 145:14 for you

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Saturday, 12 October 2013

Yellow / shiny details {Nurture Photography}

The colorful leaves are scattered all over ...

... They're piling up along the street corners, under the wheels, even in the biking basket!

The scenery around the lakes close by is about to turn yellow - it is wonderful to see the pigments of the yellow from bright lemon to cobolt and ochre.

Yellow-green waterplant leaves make a beautiful contrast agains the blue lake ... the nature is playing a colorful symphony at the moment!

"Live for today, love for tomorrow,
and laugh at all your yesterdays.
Never regret the past,
always hope for tomorrow,
and cherish every moment you have."
Nishan Panwar

... Let's notice the colorful details 
 around us this weekend,

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Monday, 7 October 2013

Blowin' in the Wind

Wild is the music of autumnal winds the faded woods.
William Wordsworth
A soft wind is blowing as I walk around the lake.
Leaves swirling on the ground,
the sound of fall ...
I close my eyes and listen,
as the twilight is descenting over the park.
This moment,
just being.
Let's cherish the moments ...
Sharing with

Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday
Nancy Clayes' Tuesday Muse
I have used textures Leslie by Kim Klassen and Jennifer by Nancy Clayes 

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Your Heart

 Above all else, watch over your heart; diligently guard it
because from a sincere and pure heart 
come the good and noble things in life. 

Proverbs 4:23  The Voice
Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra playing in the Copenhagen Underground

Blessings to your Sunday,
:  :  :
Here's a printable

of Proverbs 4:23 for you

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Thursday, 3 October 2013

Greens of Autumn {Nurture Photography}

         Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing,
                 of just going along,               
listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.
Winnie the Pooh

I've enjoyed the walks this week,just sensing ...

The wind in my hair, the leaves under my feet ...
the light shining through the leaves.

Autumn is a about change ...
... In nature, in weather, in us.

For me fall brings about the feeling of a new beginning, a fresh start -
maybe as a remnant from the times when autumn marked a new semester.

It's time for harvest - the scent of apples is hovering over
the gardens in the neighborhood.
The colorful leaves and fruits - slowly fading and falling
- at the same time scattering seeds for new life,
to be hidden covered and hidden in the cold season,
yet awakening and sprouting in the spring.
:  :  :
Colorful weekend to you!
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Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Purple leaves

The leaves in the bush in front of my office turn first from green to yellow,
thereafter to the finest shades of red and purple.
The view from my office is towards these lilac leaves ...
I catch my self every now and then just staring at them and
 admiring the colors.
I took a snapshot with iPhone's Hipstamatic App the other morning,
and added textures from Kim Klassen and Nancy Clayes.

Sharing with

Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday
Nancy Clayes' Tuesday Muse
I have used here textures Rue by Kim Klassen and Coffee Break by Nancy Clayes