Thursday, 29 August 2013

The small joys

1. I have spend the last 1½ hours at the computer, adding texture layers to photographies. It is such a pleasure to be lost in the shades and shadows ... As the evenings get darker, there will be more time to the texture-hobby again.

2. The season for soups has started - we had Italian Country Soup for dinner the other night.

3. I look forward of meeting with the girls from "Hard Core Crochet" on Saturday - a cozy fellowship around knitting needles, yearn & some tea, coffe and cake :)

4. Riding a bike - like driving your car - is somewhat relaxing: There's nothing else your should or could do, while you're at it.

5. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.
    - Albert Einstein, letter to his son Eduard, 1930.

 Let's enjoy the weekend!
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Pixel Dust Photo Art

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Biking in a Cloudy Copenhagen {WW}

The Botanical Garden

Sortedams Sø / "Black Bond Lake"
My cheerful ring clock - a birthday present from a friend :)
Dronning Louises Bro / "The Bridge of Queen Louise"
 I have attended a 3-day course in downtown this week.
Besides the great inspiration and intensive learning during the days,
I have enjoyed greatly the possibility to ride a bike
to the lectures.

These snaphots are taken with
the Hipstamatic-App / iPhone.
Happy Wednesday to you
A warm welcome to my new blog friends
Georgina, Mary, Wendy, Nikki, Ochi, Lynne,
Ceil, Angie, Madeleines Pics, Ariel and Lisa!

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 Wordless Wednesday - Create with Joy  :::   Tina's WW ::: WW - Jenni from the Blog Schöne Welt :::  Wordless Wednesday - Better in Bulk  ::: Wordless Wednesday - David Wordless Wednesday - Live and Love Out Loud
WW - Sue

 Photog Show & Tell - Bethany


Sunday, 25 August 2013

Wonderfully Made

I will offer You my grateful heart, for I am Your unique creation,
filled with wonder and awe.
    You have approached even the smallest details with excellence;
    Your works are wonderful;
I carry this knowledge deep within my soul.
Psalm 139:14 The Voice
Scripture Lullabies: Wonderfully Made
Wishing you a Blessed Sunday!


Here's a printable
of Psalm 139:14 for you

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Saturday, 24 August 2013

Sweet Saturday & Iphoneography Tutorial

I was a lovely feeling to wake up well rested ... And to know, that our calendar is filled with empty space today: Maybe a walk outside, a tour to the library, spending extra time in the kitchen. I find baking very relaxing, and I'm sure there's a new cup cake recipe waiting to be discovered ...

Well, like I wrote in an earlier post, I've taken a bunch of snapshots with my iPhone this summer. A great inspiration for me was an online Phone Photography Project by Big Picture Classes, with a specific prompt for every day. I was introduced to many phone applications, some of which I have edited the photo above with. 

And I came up with an idea to share here how I edited this photo, using specific phone applications:


Hipstamatic App: Salvador 84 lens, DreamCanvas film

Hipstamatic uses its own special camera inside the app, where you need to choose which specific lens and film you want to choose, before taking the photo. Salvador 84 lens distorts the reality in a fun way - you never know exactly how, before you take the picture. Here the lens took two pictures blended in one, which I like - it's making one focus on my watch, and thereby on the time. I chose to use DreamCanvas film, which adds both a canvas texture and a painterly boarder to the photo.


Afterlight App, Goldfinch filter 100 %

Thereafter I opened the picture in an Afterlight App, which has 27 different filters, adjusting the light in different ways. One of my favourite filters is called Goldfinch. It adds an extra dimension warmth to the light - as you can see in the photo above, where I've used Goldfinch filter.


Snapseed App, Retrolux Style 4, Texture Soft 1, Brightness-50

Snapseed is probably the App I use most often. You can tune the brightness, ambiance, contrast, saturation and white balance of the photo. You can also straighten, crop, tilt, focus, and use other editing options. 
Besides these, Snapseed has lovely frames and retrolux filters, which brings a dreamy vintage-feeling and beautiful light effects to the photos. Retrolux gives you the opportunity to add both textures and light leaks to the photos. I have used here Retrolux filther Style 4 with a Soft 1 texture, without any light leaks.

Rhonna Designs

Rhonna Designs-App

The last step was Rhonna Designs App, which I'm still learning to use. This app has many beautiful and cool fonts, graphics, banners, chalk, encouraging quotes and frames.
I have added the Saturday-tag, "The best things in life are free"-tag and the circle-formations from the app - I have only adjusted the colors, rotation, size and opacity. Then I choose a simple font and added the text "Sleeping In" inside the circle, and chose to add also this little striped line inside. 

After sending the picture to my computer, I used Picmonkey to downsize the picture to 640 x 640, and I added a layer of soft pink called Rapture (30 %), also from Picmonkey.

I hope you enjoyed following along...

Here's a printable for your slow Saturday mornings :)

Sunshine and many snapshots to your weekend!


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Friday, 23 August 2013

A week with walks, sleepiness and hedgehogs ...

edited with Repix-App

Happy Birthday Little Mermaid! 
This statue in the harbour of Copenhagen, an embodiment of a fairy-tale character of Hans Christian Andersen, celebrates 100 years today. 

We've had warm, windstill evenings this week - 
We went for a walk both on Monday and yesterday evenings.

I had my first encounter with an energy drink - beverage yesterday. I've been rather tired - sleeping a nap after work, going early to bed, and yet yawning all ready at 11 am. I bought a Cult Coke, that contains 150 ml caffein (I was to read a whole lot at work for a course next week). 

I usually have lunch at 11:30, but it was first later in the afternoon that I realised that I hadn't eaten yet - I was alert, sharp and reading with concentration for many hours. As I came home from work at 6 pm., I went for a walk with a friend, and we walked for 8,5 km ... and still without any appetite - so I just had fruit for the dinner. The walk had though "burned" the caffein, so I was able to sleep in the evening ...

I'm not going to have energy drinks for some time now - That amount caffein has a bit too strong effect on me ... I'm eating strong D-vitamins instead :)

Yellow leaves are appearing here and there ... the autumn is about to arrive.

We saw 5 small hedgehog-babies on the lawn yesterday evening... adorable little creatures! Their mom was nowhere to be seen, so my friend called to a vet, who adviced her to give them some water. If these little fellows keep on cruising around without their mom, we're to call to the vet again: They'll come and take the hedgehog babies to "foster care", until they're big enough to manage on their own.

It's Friday ... No alarms going off tomorrow!

Happy weekend to you,


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Friday Photo Journal

Monday, 19 August 2013

Summer feet {Hipstamatic style}

I took a bunch of snapshots during this summer with my cell phone.
I used mostly an application called Hipstamatic,
which has many different lenses and films you can combine.
I'm fond of the Doris lens and Sussex film, which together give clear, bluish tones.  I find the vintage-like frame also charming, adding an old photo-effect.
:  :  :
Summer is....  
  The sand beneath my feet
A warm beach
And hope

Summer is.....
Peace of mind
As the sun sets on another day

Summer is.....
A moment
Of perfect silence

Summer is...
The days getting longer
And my son reaching out for me
Beauty is translucent
Time consuming life
I find myself
Bit by bit
Uncovering the woven web
"Sand Beneath My Feet" by Sherri Steadman
:  :  :
Happy Tuesday to you!
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Tuesday Muse / A Rural Journal
Sweet Shot Tuesday by / Kent Weakley
Tuesday Around the World / Communal Global

Sunday, 18 August 2013

There's more life

God’s gift has restored
our relationship with him and
given us back our lives.
And there’s more life to come—
an eternity of life!
You can count on this.
Titus 3:7 (The Message)

Scripture Lullabies: Be Still and Know

Wishing you a Blessed Sunday!


Here's a printable
of Titus 3:7 for you

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Thank you to Anna Lenabem for the texture I have used in the printable!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013


Every great dream begins with a dreamer.
Always remember, you have within you
the strenght, the patience, and the passion
to reach for the stars to change the world.
Herriet Tubman

... The quote may sound a bit provoking and far out,
"to have the passion reach out to for the stars to change the world."
At the same time, we need dreams and dreamers.
Everyone needs to have a dream -
something to strive after,
something to long for and work towards ...
Taking one step at a time,
slowing down when the road goes uphill,
seeking shelter in the storms -
walking together a mile or two,
being encouraged by one another ...

: : :

 Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly.
Langston Hughes
: : :
... Let's keep those dreams alive,

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Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday
Nancy Clayes' Tuesday Muse
I have used here textures Salut & Tres by Kim Klassen and Coffee Break by Nancy Clayes

Sunday, 11 August 2013


I’m telling you these things while I’m still living with you.
The Friend, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send at my request,
will make everything plain to you.
He will remind you of all the things I have told you.
I’m leaving you well and whole.
That’s my parting gift to you.
I don’t leave you the way you’re used to being left
—feeling abandoned, bereft.
So don’t be upset.
Don’t be distraught.
John 14:25 (The Message)

Scripture Lullabies - I Am Here

:  :  :
Wishing you a Blessed Sunday!


Here's a printable
of John 14:25 for you

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Friday, 9 August 2013

Letting go of the lazy summer days

The Lazy Summer Days are coming to an end ... 
the feeling of time standing still is still lingering over us.

Lovely  10 days with my parents ...
Nature, fishing, silence and just being.
Breakfasts with fresh berries in the garden
- we were spoiled by mum :)
Starting slowly the routines ...
My low back rustyness and stifness in the morning is gone
after 4 session at the gym!
We celebrated our 18th anniversary this week -
So thankful for my sweetheart!
: : :
Thank you for your sweet notes
you've left on the blog while I was away-
I look forward of popping by this weekend:)
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Sunday, 4 August 2013

Under His Wings


Like a bird protecting its young,
God will cover you with His feathers,
  will protect you under His great wings;
    His faithfulness will form a shield around you,
a rock-solid wall to protect you.
Psalm 91:4 (The Voice)

:  :  :

Scripture Lullabies: Underneath My Wings
:  :  :
Wishing you a Blessed Sunday!


Here's a printable
of Psalm 91:4 for you

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